Is Entrepreneurship Bad For Your Health? Let Your Nervous System Be The Judge Of That

Sustain Your Success - Subconscious Success, Biohacking, and Epigenetics for Entrepreneurs

Jan 25 2023 • 20 mins

Has it ever crossed your mind that entrepreneurship could be hazardous to your health?

Before I started my first clinic, it never even crossed my mind how stressful it could be.

There are so many things you don’t know, until you actually experience them.

It’s easy to be all roses, #ceolife and Miss Positivity.. And get swept up in the whole *entrepreneurship is sexy* train..  But when 💩 hits the fan how do you manage?

We all know entrepreneurship has its twists and turns, highs and lows.

In this episode you’ll understand how your nervous system acts like a messenger to give you signs about your health & subconscious mind on this roller coaster of a ride.

And also… how it's the key to being in a place where you can manage stressful situations like a Queen.

Sending the highest of vibes your way

xo Liana 🤍

Links Mentioned:

Heartmath Institute

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