102. You Make It Happen: How To Move Forward After Your Most Challenging Periods (with Turia Pitt)

The Make It Happen Show

Jul 12 2022 • 13 mins

Turia Pitt's story is one of Australia's most well-known. From an athlete and rising mining engineer who got caught in a catastrophic grassfire during an ultra-marathon, to now 3x best-selling author, mindset coach to 40,000 people, and still an athlete despite burns to 65% of her body. She survived against all odds and took this opportunity to defy all expectations of her to make it happen.

If you want to level up like you never thought you could, in business and in life, no matter what challenges you might be facing, then this episode of The Make It Happen Show is for you. Hear Turia's journey since the incident in moving forward and past her most challenging period in life to become a change maker, entrepreneur, and inspiration to thousands of people across Australia and the world. Check it out.


  • 1:55 - The life-changing event that changed Turia's life
  • 3:11 - The mindset we need to have through adversity
  • 5:06 - The essence of being a good leader
  • 5:53 - How Turia made a difference during one of Australia's biggest bushfires
  • 7:41 - Why urgency over perfection matters
  • 9:50 - Was Celebrity Apprentice (and doing reality TV) on Turia's plan?
  • 10:35 - Turia's confrontation with Tony Robbins

Find full show notes, resources, and templates here: https://hubs.la/Q01g5g7g0