#153. Why Work-Life Balance DOESN’T Exist

Sick and Successful Podcast

Dec 13 2023 • 15 mins

Today’s episode shatters the illusion of the 50-50 work-life balance myth for entrepreneurs. Life as an entrepreneur is dynamic and constantly shifting, and that's perfectly fine.

Discover the pitfalls of trying to force perfection and how it can lead to exhaustion. Picture life as slices of pie – attempting to juggle everything at once is far from enjoyable. Tackle one slice at a time, go with the flow, and liberate yourself from the confines of a strict balance sheet.

Get ready for a candid discussion on the challenges of entrepreneurship, peppered with practical advice and a dash of humor. If you're ready to redefine success on your terms and embrace the entrepreneurial rollercoaster, hit play now!

00:00:53 - Intro to topic

00:01:52 - How the dream started

00:03:45 - Never gonna be equal

00:07:14 - What's important

00:09:38 - You're special

00:13:35 - Spreading the good vibes

00:14:15 - Check your priorities

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Email us your questions: info@sandscreative.ca

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Natalie's personal Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/for.the.success