#164. Stepping Back to Leap Forward in Business and Life

Sick and Successful Podcast

Mar 6 2024 • 17 mins

In this episode, we delve into the concept of strategic retreats in entrepreneurship, specifically tailored for entrepreneurs managing chronic illness.

The episode explores the idea of taking a step back in business to ultimately propel forward, especially when overwhelmed. We discuss the impact of overwhelm on decision-making and productivity, while also highlighting the power of strategic retreats in creating space for clarity and innovation.

Through real-life experiences, success stories, and practical tips, we aim to empower entrepreneurs to embrace intentional steps back in their business journey. Additionally, we address common fears and guilt associated with this approach, offering strategies for overcoming emotional challenges.

Ultimately, the episode encourages entrepreneurs to prioritize self-care and strategic planning, fostering resilience and sustainable growth.


0:00:48 - Introduction: The Year To Feel

0:06:55 - Setbacks are Not the Reason to Stop Manifesting

0:08:57 - The Importance of Understanding Overwhelmed

0:12:19 - You Need To Step Back

0:14:48 - Conclusion


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