Ep 2 Dr. Regina Deil-Amen: Cultivating Inclusion in STEM — A Dialogue on Diversity, Connection, and Innovation at the University of Arizona

The Inquiry Oasis: A UArizona College of Education Podcast

Sep 6 2023 • 21 mins

In this episode of Inquiry Oasis, host Jeffrey Anthony converses with Dr. Regina Deil-Amen, the newly appointed Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs for the College of Education at the University of Arizona, and a distinguished scholar championing inclusive education within the STEM field. The dialogue illuminates the multifaceted landscape of empowering diverse and underrepresented students, with Dr. Deil-Amen shedding light on the unique challenges faced by low-income students and the intricacies of racial and ethnic diversity. Exploring concepts such as a transfer receptive culture and the intersection of racial dynamics in STEM, the conversation articulates a vision for a future marked by compassion and innovation. Listen as they uncover inspiring viewpoints, laying the groundwork for a more equitable and inclusive STEM community.

Topics Discussed

  • STEM Identity: Understanding the Culture and Challenges
  • Inclusive Education: A New Paradigm in STEM
  • The Interplay of Race and Ethnicity in STEM Communities
  • Transcending Conventional Barriers in STEM Education
  • The Nexus of Innovation, Compassion, and Inclusivity in STEM
  • Pioneering Approaches: The NSF S-STEM Grant and Beyond

Books/Papers Discussed