Amazon Brand Partnerships Demystified: An Exclusive with Isaiah Fritz

Amazon Seller School, How to Sell on Amazon

Aug 10 2023 • 40 mins

In today's episode, we're diving deep into the bustling world of Amazon selling, and shining a spotlight on a strategy that's game-changing: Brand Partnerships.

Resources From This Episode

For those keen on diving deeper into the episode's insights, here are some of the resources highlighted during our chat:

  • Online Selling Partner
  • Amazon Brand Registry: A tool emphasized by Isaiah to help brands protect their intellectual property and create an accurate and trusted experience for customers on Amazon.
  • Market Analysis Tools: Platforms like Jungle Scout and Helium 10, recommended by Isaiah, that assist sellers in understanding the market potential of specific brands and products.

Isaiah Fritz, an expert in the game, joins us to spill the tea on everything exclusive and wholesale. From understanding the allure of exclusivity to tips on how to approach brands for that coveted partnership, Isaiah serves up insights that are pure gold. Plus, we’re dishing out some top-tier resources that every seller must know. Whether you’re a seasoned Amazon seller or just starting out, this episode is a masterclass you won't want to miss.