7 | From a Vision To a Mission To a Strategic Plan | Cordell Brown (Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors)

An Act of Courage

Mar 27 2023 • 42 mins

This is episode number 7 and today I’m honored to host capracare’s Board of Directors Chairman, Cordell Brown. Cordell was the first board member recruited by our CEO Jean Pierre-Louis. Cordell spent most of his career with Metlife in the strategic planning field; he was responsible for driving and implementing strategic planning policies and processes, monitoring performance against plans, and supporting significant initiatives that drove results. After retiring, he knew in his heart he wasn’t done. Instead of returning to corporate America, he ventured into a more meaningful role in the non-profit sector. Today, besides being our Chairman, he is also the Vice President for the non-profit organization Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, an organization focused on providing deep global expertise to make philanthropy more thoughtful, equitable, and effective. He was a joy to interview, and I hope you all enjoy his story as much as I did. Here we go…

For more information and episode details visit: www.anactofcourage.org/episode07

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