Ep 177. Navigating Sessions + Projects that Take Longer than Expected

The Organized Mompreneur Podcast

Mar 20 2024 • 28 mins

Have you ever glanced at the clock during a photo session or project and realized you’re way behind schedule?

It’s a common challenge for sure, but there’s a silver lining in learning to manage these moments.

In episode 177, I dive into practical strategies for keeping your sessions and projects on track.

For the full show notes for this episode, head to thepurposegathering.com/navigatingsessions

Complimentary Episodes:

  1. Ep 69. Setting the Tone for Your Work Blocks + Following Through

  2. Ep 70. Handling Distractions + Interruptions While You’re Working

  3. Ep 134. How to Batch Your Tasks for Increased Efficiency

  4. Browse All Productivity Related Episodes


  1. Looking for tips and strategies for making motherhood and business easier? Join Our Free Community - The Organized Mom Photographer

  2. Need support managing your time well and creating systems to streamline your Photography Business? Join the Efficient Mom Photographer (12 Week Group Coaching Program)

  3. Message me on Voxer (My username is afreehan)

  4. Join the Waitlistfor my Free Masterclass, The Profit Shift: 3 Strategies to Optimize Your Limited Time and Maximize Your Revenue as a Mom

  5. Have a question for me? Or a specific struggle you’re dealing with? I’ll address your question on the podcast. Submit your ‘Ask Ashley’ question here

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