Ep 182. Hidden Time Wasters in Your Business

The Organized Mompreneur Podcast

Apr 24 2024 • 34 mins

Imagine if you could reclaim up to 35 percent of your workweek from the trap of inefficiency. For mompreneurs striving to juggle both motherhood and business, every minute counts. Especially when statistics reveal that distractions and multitasking can lead to a productivity loss of over a third of your time.

That's a significant chunk of valuable time that could otherwise be used to fuel your business.

Episode 182 uncovers those hidden time wasters from endless notifications, hijacking your focus to the myth of multitasking that promises more than it delivers.

It also tackles how adapting strategies like batching your tasks can revolutionize your workflow, turning those potential time sucks into optimal productivity.

For the full show notes for this episode, head to thepurposegathering.com/hiddentimewasters

Complimentary Episodes:

  1. Ep 112. Creative Ways to Get Work Done with Kids at Home

  2. Ep 12. 5 Tips for Working with Kids at Home

  3. Ep 177. Navigating Projects That Take Longer Than Expected

  4. Ep 134. How to Batch Your Tasks for Increased Efficiency

  5. Browse All Productivity Related Episodes


  1. The AI Tool I Use: Calude.ai

  2. Ep 181. How Voxer is Revolutionizing Communication for Busy Mompreneurs


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  4. Join the Waitlistfor my Free Masterclass, The Profit Shift: 3 Strategies to Optimize Your Limited Time and Maximize Your Revenue as a Mom

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