Don’t write copy like Apple - EP-038

Modern Marketers with Blake Beus and Greg Marshall

Aug 23 2022 • 36 mins

Blake Beus  0:00   Okay, common mistakes with messaging, this is what we decided to talk about. Right? Okay. So you're on the phone with clients all the time helping them run ads and everything. Let's just start talking about these mistakes, like people make mistakes with AD messaging all the time. And I feel like sometimes people are so worried to make a mistake that they maybe don't even run ads. So there's kind of like a flip side there. So how do we kind of help identify those mistakes and then demystify it so that people can start running their ads and not like overthink every

Greg Marshall  0:32   Yep. So I think, you know, one of the big mistakes, that's that's made when you're doing messaging is having the messaging be too like bland. That's number one, meaning bland, like there's nothing exciting. Like, I always like to use Dan Kennedy's example, he says, he gets a direct mail piece from maybe an insurance broker that just says, Hi, my name is Bill and I sell insurance call me. And then he makes fun of it says, Man, I can't wait. You know, like, there's nothing enticing, right? So that's number one. The messaging is too bland. Number two is not even having a call to action. Yeah. So like not being specific. Have you know, I talked with a client last night we're, that's what he was running into is he's doing as Brian Tracy, I don't know if you've read some of his stuff. But Brian Tracy talks about tap dancing around everything, but asking them to take action. Oh, really. So you would say you know, you do all this? We can our product is this. It's so nice. It'll help you do this. And then there's no ask. Then the customers kind of left with Okay, so what do I do next? Or and you've already lost them once they have to like,

Blake Beus  1:40   this. Brian trait I've never heard of does he actually teaches this as is like a method of No, no,

Greg Marshall  1:45   no. I'm sorry. So Ryan, trade Tracy is making fun. Oh, he

Blake Beus  1:51   points out. Don't do don't do that. Gotcha. Gotcha. So

Greg Marshall  1:55   sorry. Brian. Tracy was like, no, no. So he he teaches that a lot of people are afraid of the rejection part, subconsciously. So they end up doing all these things, except actually asking them to,

Blake Beus  2:07   I get that I get that, especially if it's like your thing. Yes, it's way easier to be to deal with that. You know, rejection, rejection, I was gonna say regression, yeah, thinking of programming. When it's not, your it's not your baby, right. And so you might be an expert in the field, and then you decide to split off and create a side hustle, or start that business or whatever. But now it's your baby. And it's hard to go out there and get rejected. So someone's unintentional behavior might be to just dance around with correct without actually being direct and say sign up now.

Greg Marshall  2:43   Yep. And that's, you know, that's, that's another conversation. And that's, you know, you can run into that, especially if you haven't done sales or stuff like that before, and you're not essentially used to the rejection. Or you just take it maybe a little more personally, you can work your way out of that. Because it's not like you stay there forever. And you either have or you don't, it's more of just you just have to train yourself to be okay with the rejection. But that's another big mistake is not actually having a call to action. Yeah. Or a clear call to action. Yeah, simply because most likely, it could just be you're worried about rejection. And but that's an easy fix. Put it out there. And eventually, you'll see doesn't hurt when someone says no.

Blake Beus  3:27   So let's really quick because if, like sometimes I think it's easy to talk about concepts, and the people get hung up on the actual implementation. So real quick, just on calls to action. Let's talk about Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and then maybe Google search ads, just to kind of how, how do you put a call to action each of those because the format's are different. Yes. Yeah. Right. And so what what are some good call to action? ways you can actually put that in

Greg Marshall  3:58   there? Yeah, I mean, so you basically just want to be as simple as possible, right? So with video, video is great, because you can have two calls to action, basically, one in the actual video, and then one on your ad copy when you're doing Facebook, and even on some of the YouTube ads when they're gone to display network. So the simplest ones are, you know, click the link below, go to the website, fill out the form, and then this is what's going to like give them kind of what's going to happen. Tell them by today, like very direct, right? What you don't want to do is leave it up to chance like, hey, we can help you out, whatever, whatever. And then,

Blake Beus  4:37   yeah, so if you're interested, yeah, consider contacting Yeah, don't use

Greg Marshall  4:42   words like maybe, or consider or any of those like those. Those are kind of iffy words be more direct. Like, would you like to sign up today? Yeah. Click the link below to sign up by today and get this essentially, good calls to action, or the equivalent to strong lead Ship words. Yeah, right taking leadership as the salesperson or the marketer, your job is to lead them to do the next step, because that's what the buyer the consumer needs and wants, is someone to lead them to the solution. Yeah, or whatever it is, they're looking for something, you know, it, maybe the product just is for pure vanity, or for pure, you know, pleasure. sell that, right, just selling yeah, that's, that's legit. Like those are, those are totally legit, legitimate angles, half our economy is built.

Blake Beus  5:30   So YouTube, Facebook, Facebook, you can put a button on your ads, whether it's a video or image, and you can have a button there that can say download, whatever. And then right next to the button, you can have some headline text that could say something like, you know, click the button to get it today. Whatever sometimes have to play around with the wording just to get it to fit character wise. So it's all readable on Facebook. But yeah, and then the the tough one, though, this is the one I feel like a lot of people really struggle with is Google search ads. And maybe not everybody's running Google search ads, because they're a little bit intimidating. Yeah. But call to action Google search ads, because you've got limited space. There's no images.

Greg Marshall  6:15   Yeah, what do you do? So I like I mean, calls to action, really, and it's feels like Google pushes this as well, is essentially, you know, same thing, like, whatever the offer is, right? So it depends on what you're matching. Right. So if you're matching a keyword, let's use fitness or fitness, how to lose weight, right? So your call to action would be, let's say, a common 190 Day transformation plan, you know, learn more, and then in your subtext, you can write this plan does X, Y, and Z, visit a website to go ahead and download or to buy or whatever, right. But the key really is the matching of what they're looking for, and the words you're using. So if they're looking for weight loss, you don't have to be super specific, like click this link. Now, yeah, you can just have the programming and apply because we're all trained now, to what we see an ad and it says something on search. We know like to click it, yes. So we don't have to be so precise on, click here. Now to do this, you can just use that in your sub headlines. And the key is just the words that they're looking for, needs to be one of the headlines and explain through. And I think that that does the trick when it comes to click through rates.

Blake Beus  7:33   I think with with search, it's easy to kind of get hung up, especially if you've done mostly Facebook or YouTube, other ads and search. But you got to understand when some when you're running search ads, someone is looking for skipping, they have a high intent to solve a problem right now. And so you don't need to say click here. Yep. Because they're already planning on clicking Yeah, they just need to know which link to click. Yep. And so you don't necessarily need to do that. In Facebook, you do need to say click here, because people are looking at funny animal pictures or arguing with their crazy uncle about different differences in politics, right? Like, you do need to say click here to get this or, you know, whatever, what

Greg Marshall  8:18   is in so Facebook and YouTube and all that. That's interruption marketing. Yes. Psychologically. Right. So like, you went on to scroll to waste time not to look for something versus Google search? Is you have been, you know, like, in your mind, you're like, I you know, where's the next travel location? I want to go? Yeah, how much are these flight tickets? Right? Or what's the best supplement? In your mind? You're already predetermined? That you're you're

Blake Beus  8:46   going to click on something. Yeah. That's why we're doing we're

Greg Marshall  8:49   not click Yeah,

Blake Beus  8:50   exactly. Exactly. So you don't need the the you don't need to interrupt them or grab their attention or whatever, you just need to be very clear on what they're getting. And what it's going to mean for them in your ad copy.

Greg Marshall  9:05   That's where message to Market Match is key. Yeah. Right. So if I'm looking at specific keywords, I need to just make sure those keywords are being presented to them, so that they know Oh, this is I'm at the right place, right? or wrong way to do it, when it comes to call to action really would be if someone types on how to lose weight. And you have and you're targeting that search term. And you put how to build muscle. Or one of your hands. Yes, not yet, which technically is one of the best ways to lose weight. But that's not what the person type.

Blake Beus  9:39   They're not looking for how to build muscle. That's not what's on their mind right now. So they're just never going to click on that link. So the

Greg Marshall  9:45   other thing I talked to you actually with a potential client, we talked about this was demand generation versus intent, right? So demand generation, the messaging is much different than it So Google search would be intent, because they've looked it up, they're intending to do that. Demand Generation is more on Facebook and YouTube, where you are where you're kind of convincing someone that they either have a problem and need that solved. Or there's some type of pleasure, or vanity or whatever that they should want. Right, right. And demand generation is basically, really educating them and irritating, whatever that problem is, or triggering that issue. to then get the customer want to do it. Now, demand generation marketing is a lot different than intent. If you could make the argument a lot harder, right? Yeah. Because you, you are trying to convince someone, it's kind of like cold approaching someone out in the street. You know, like, it brings me back to my fitness sales. I'd be in the parking lot of target selling gym memberships to random strangers who are obviously just going to target Yeah, right. That's demand generation, I have to create a Demand and you have to do a quick, right. So you have to be efficient with your wording. So when you're doing demand generation, which is interruption, essentially, you have to think of all the reasons why someone is going to tune you out. And you have to figure out how do I get them to tune in very quickly. Right, right. And then it's not just the first couple seconds, it's almost like you have to do over and over and over again, within the message, whether it's law, forum, copy, or video, it's like we have to get them to engage, again, to gauge again, it's not a guarantee, once again, to engage you have them the whole time.

Blake Beus  11:33   Right. Right. Well, and that's one of the reasons why. The best Save Video Ads, right, let's just pick them videos from the best video adds about every three to five seconds, they almost, it's almost like they have another hook or another cliffhanger to keep you watching. And for the most part, I almost never watch YouTube ads. But every now and again, I'll get one that grabs my attention and keeps it keeps me watching. There's like this, another hook another layup. I don't know if you want to, if you want to think of it, like another hit of the advertising drug, right? Like you're getting, like, um, what what are they gonna do next? The dopamine? Yeah. And almost always, at least for me, and I think this is probably pretty universal. But almost always, those are ads that have a various YouTube ads specifically, that have a very high quality storytelling framework. Yep. Right. They're telling a story about maybe how they solved this problem or something like that. Or maybe it's a funny story. There's these this sunglass company that makes titanium sunglasses, I will watch their ads every time they pop up. I can't even remember the name of the company right now. It's been a while but, but they're really good at storytelling. And it's geared towards men my age. And so it ticks all of my funny boxes about just being a guy at my age. And it's funny, and I will watch those and I haven't purchased it. But I've definitely clicked on a link and gone to their website and looked around. Yeah, which I never do for YouTube ads.

Greg Marshall  13:08   Well, and here's the thing. Do you have yours? Here's, here's my one that I see. And like, their name is V shred. Okay, shred is the company in its, its top targeting me because I'm always looking at fitness topics. Yeah. Right. And they're a fitness company, trying to get you to lose weight in a six pack, right? Yeah. And so what's interesting about them, they are very good. I heard they have 2300 different versions of their ads that they're currently testing. And they're all like, they're similar in nature, just they change out the front hook. Or, you know, they're just doing combinations, right? But basically, what they're doing is they, they're all story ads. So it starts right out the gate. They're like, you know, I never thought that I could have a stomach like that's like one of the hooks, right? I have a stomach like this. And then it's before and after pictures and the video. And then it's interviewing the guy on what he did and what his wife is saying. And like, as you can see, I've seen these ads enough to like, I pretty much know I can remember. Yeah. And this is V shred. I see their ads at least eight times a day. And they must be doing heavy retarget they must

Blake Beus  14:15   be and it must be working. Because that's that costs a lot of money. No doubt. It's worrying. Yeah, that costs a lot of money. You don't keep running ads like that. If you're losing money hand over fist, right? Like it's working. And this is where I feel like a lot of people get hung up. They're thinking, I'm not a storyteller. Yep. I don't know how to do this. I'm not good on camera. I'm not a good copywriter. I don't know how to tell a story in copy. I've seen ads on Facebook with good text and it's really great, but I don't I don't know. I don't know how to do that. So how do we help people like bridge that gap from this like place of insecurity? I don't know how to do this today. Let's get something out there and start going just fine.

Greg Marshall  14:56   So basically, here's what I here's the ultimate hack. to film yourself or a customer, or someone who can communicate this message, if you don't feel comfortable, and then find a video editor to edit it, and give them send them a link, something that you've seen and say, can you make something similar? Yeah, that's the ultimate hack. So if you don't know what to do just do that. And if you don't feel comfortable camera fine, just someone who does who looks like your target customer you're trying to get Yeah, right. So it doesn't always have to be the other work around that we use. For people who don't like to be on camera, or feel self conscious is we do the voiceover method. So we have them speak. And then we put in pictures, like the roll photos that are that are based off of their business. And we put it in like a little story for him. And those worked really well. So and So there's ways that you can do video ads without having you have to be the talking head. Yeah, you can do it from a voiceover you could even hire someone else to do voiceover, what I recommend is just start putting things out there. And a story like format of basically, the scripting would be your ad hook will get their attention, right? irritate the problem, provide the solution, have a call to action, just do that every single time. Use that

Blake Beus  16:21   in that order. Right? And that's a very simple formula that literally works. Every, in any industry for any any type, any type of thing. And if you're thinking, Oh, what, what? What's a good hook? Like? How do I come up with a hook because I gotta grab their attention in the first few seconds. One of my favorite and simplest ways to do a hook is you tell the end of the story at the very first in the first three to five seconds, like, and so then I ended up without realizing it that I had the six pack abs. But let me tell you how I got there. Boom, right, right. Like you just go right and you went with the end result that people want. And then you go back to the beginning and you tell your story, throw some emotion in there, whatever. But it's, it sounds really hard. I think the other thing I would say like along the lines of what you just mentioned is Get Started get putting them out there. But But understand that you're not going to knock the ball out of the park the first time this V shred, yeah, I have 2300 videos of different combinations of videos, probably same clips that they've kind of sorted around and whatever. They didn't get there by just coming up when we can and saying, you know, we should do Yep, record some videos. It's something that they've been doing for years and years and years. And they got there. So one of my favorite motivational quotes or concepts is, you want to know how to make something really good? Well, you have to make 1000 Shitty versions of that thing first. And that's This isn't this the same thing, you want to make really good video ads? Well, you have to make 1000 really terrible video ads. First, it's more important to just get started and start going. And then kind of just keep redoing, honing, tweaking, whatever. And if you think about whatever your business is, or whatever your specialty is, that's how you got good at that. Yep. In your business, right. And so, of course, that's how you you need to do it. This is just a new skill set that you just need to hop on board and start doing

Greg Marshall  18:17   well. And to build on that yesterday when I was talking to that prospective client. And this is what I share with a lot of clients. Basically, I tell them, Look, there's no magic formula that gets it done immediately on the first try. Right in, what it is, is you have a structure of how you should do things, but then you have to test the little bits within that structure to get kind of your fully optimized product. And so if you go into it that way, you should have less stress. Because it's you won't have that pressure of I have to make the perfect advertisement right away, or my messaging has to be perfect. And it's one and done. That's the other thing a lot of clients run into is they like they'll even ask this question like, so. Can I change what this says like? And I'm always surprised, I'm like, Well, of course we can. Absolutely. We can change what this says anytime. So therefore don't fear testing different messages or add hooks? Yeah, because it's not like you do it, and then you're not out of touch. And it's like, no, I can't change it. Now it's it's too late. So when you have that kind of mentality of thinking that if I don't get this done perfect the first time, then, you know, you know, it's not going to work that's going to prevent you from trying things. Yeah. And if you're not trying more, you know, more test more things to see what works and what combinations, you're not going to be able to get the best results that you're looking for.

Blake Beus  19:45   Right. Right. I think one of the keys to all of this testing, we talked about testing a lot is to maybe shift the way we think about running ads. So when I talk with people about running ads or marketing or whatever they they'll say something along the lines of Okay, it's time we need to run some ads. Yeah. So when can we get this done? Yeah. Well, the reality is, is you're, you're never going to be done. Yeah. So what you need to do is shift the mindset and say, Okay, we need to put 10% of our effort each week into ad creative and running ads, right. And whether that's outsourcing it to someone like Greg, or doing some internal stuff, or just trying to figure that out, what you're doing is you're saying this is part of our weekly process or regular process. And we're going to carve out some time to just keep working in moving forward and seeing what's working and seeing what's not. It's, it's just, it's, it's this marathon that never, never ends. Not saying that this is a terrible thing. It's just part of the process. It reminds me of, I grew up working on my grandpa's cattle ranch in I grew up in Wyoming, his ranch was in Idaho, but they were really close, just right across the border. And my grandpa worked on that, from the time from the 1930s. Right? He worked on that forever and ever. And one of the things I learned from him about working on the ranch, I asked him once, and how do you know when to stop, stop working for the day, when you're done. He said, Well, you're never done, you just put in a good day's work. And then the next day you have more to do. And that's it's just, you just, it's just this thing, you you always have something to do. And that's not terrible, it's not the end of the world, it's not bad. It's just, there's more to do. And that's the same thing with ads, you're just need to constantly keep putting some time and effort into it, putting some money into it, even if your budgets tight, you could do $5 a day for a week. And then and then evaluate the results. And then you spend the next two to three weeks finding out some ways to tweak it. And then you want to test where you're spending the $5 a day again, but you're running, you know, what you think might be better or whatever and see which which performs better. And just keep going

Greg Marshall  21:53   that well. And what you're really saying is, it's a mindset,

Blake Beus  21:56   it's a mindset,

Greg Marshall  21:57   it's your mind should be not how do I get some ads running? And then that's it. That would be the assumption of it's an event, but it's not an event. It's a process. Yeah, you know, it's it's part of your business, right? And if you look at I always and I'm sure I've said this in other podcasts, if Coca Cola still runs ads, I'm pretty sure one of the world knows who Coca Cola. But if they're still running ads, that means that as part of their business, it's you can learn a lot from just watching that. Because if your small business thinks you don't need to run ads, yeah. And they're running ads, you know, you've got to kind of, you know, backwards, because that's kind of how they got it right. As they figure out their sales process. They figured out promotional strategies. And they keep you know, now they're buying TV spots and stuff. And it's the equivalent, like scaling your ads, right? You don't start there. Right? We don't we don't start at we're gonna buy a Superbowl ad. You start with rule by a little ad on Facebook, or we'll buy a little spot, little TV spot in our local area. And then when we start getting more sales and growing, and we maybe go to regional, then we maybe we go to increasing budgets on Google, and you start you just keep growing. But but you don't start there. And that's where I think prevents most people from actually even try it. Yeah. Is they assume similar to fitness? Well, if I can't run a marathon today, what's the point? Right, that doesn't make any sense. It's like, No, you know, the person running it, once upon a time couldn't run around the block. Right. Right. But they built up to it. And that's, that's what you have to do. It's,

Blake Beus  23:39   it's exactly what you got to do. You've got to keep working on and I would make the argument that literally every business that makes revenue should run out. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know, well, even if it's 50 bucks a month, it doesn't really matter, even if that's all you can really afford. And you're just a teeny business, run some ads, say each month, say, Okay, I have enough room in my budget, to drop 50 bucks in ADS this month, great. Run 50 bucks and ads, see what's working. Because that's how you're gonna get moving forward. I help a lot of people with just organic social media. That's what the SM3 group is, we talk about it quite a bit. I oftentimes tell people, hey, organic is great and fine. You need to get in front of new people that don't know you. So if you have followers, basically, only a percentage of your followers are going to see your content if you're just doing organic stuff. Yep. Maybe you'll show up in search or whatever, from time to time, but really, really not that much. Yep. The guaranteed way to show up in front of new people all the time is to run some ads and it doesn't have to be crazy expensive and it doesn't have to be time consuming but just get started and try it out.

Greg Marshall  24:43   Well and you just got to think like you always have to be promoting whatever it is you have whatever your product or service because still the way people are, you know new people are going to be introduced to it right? You can't just kind of keep it a secret and think people will eventually find out because it's just there's too many distractions, like, if you if you think of this is a good exercise to do, if you think about one individual, right? And you go this one individual if I do not talk to them, does that mean no one's talking to them? Or does that mean? They're just not thinking of me now, because there's all these other people out there being communicated all day long the average person sees, who knows how many ads for him? I don't know. So if you're not talking to them, it's kind of like your wife. If you don't talk to your wife and have a relationship with her, and you never call or text her, how long do you think that marriage is gonna last? It'd be toast, it's gonna be done. It's done. Yeah, someone else is talking to you. Right? So you have to be thinking about, you have to nurture every individual, whether they're a customer or not, you have to look at the whole market and say, I need to be talking to the market continuously, constantly. And always. Because once again, like one of my favorite things, Dan Kennedy says, you know, customers, they are the most disloyal group, not in a bad way. Just if you're not giving them value, they will leave you in a heartbeat. And find someone else who will.

Blake Beus  26:12   Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And. And so yeah, I mean, really just just keep going. Now, we started this off kind of talking about, you know, the right kind of messaging, we talked, you gave us a good script, on how to come up with messaging that works for that script also also works for text ads. Yeah, you can type a script that follows that same model. And that would work. What are some other you know, are there any other mistakes people make when they're writing? When they're coming up with how to message or how to communicate? Their offer or whatever to clients? Yes,

Greg Marshall  26:46   speaking in the wrong language. So for example, speaking in what you think the customer's pain point or desire is, versus what it actually is. Right? So I have to, when I talk with clients, especially ones that are a little bit more brand focus is usually where I run into this, where they're like, Yeah, my brand, is this my brand? Is that the branding these? What, the way I translate that is I, it's about me, it's the wrong mindset. Right? You're not that's you're not actually saying the customer, right? So when they speak in that, so speaking about what you think they want, or what you want them to want, is another huge mistake versus what they actually say, the customer like the what the customer actually wants, right? It's very common to say, look how much we had this discussion weeks ago about my own business, where I said, I know that they need something like this, but I don't know how to deliver it to them. And I initially thought it was one way come to find out it's a totally different way. Now. Good thing. I've been in the game for a while, but I understand you have to be flexible. Yeah, like if you think it's one way, but it's another well, that old way that you thought it's gone now. Yeah. Now it's all about this because that's what the customer wants. Right? And if I don't give the customer what they want, I don't have a customer. Yeah, so you understand. So that's a big big mistake. The other mistake believing people buy exactly like you hmm, okay, this is like a gigantic This is a sin, basically to commit when it comes to doing your marketing. Because I hear this Yeah, I don't ever buy anything on Facebook ads. Yeah, well does that so I so that I guess all industries worthless. No

Blake Beus  28:36   one No one knows. Facebook became a multi bajillion dollar company for no reason or no reason they fooled the whole world. People are buying whole advertising. Their whole business model relies on paid advertisements, and no one's making money.

Greg Marshall  28:49   And that and I this is where I get this the most though, is email marketing. Yeah. Okay, I get this all the time. I, I'm not going to open an email. Like this is the business owner saying, I never buy anything off email, emails, annoying me. text message marketing annoys me. And they're saying all these things, right? And it's kind of like, we're not selling to you.

Blake Beus  29:13   Yeah. And nor are we selling to people like you. You've already solved this problem. Yeah, you're the problem solver. We've we're working on the people that haven't solved this problem yet and they act and behave completely different and here's the thing if it works it works Yep. That's there's no harm in trying out email marketing, no harm in trying out text marketing. I get really I really struggle with the people that will say emails dead texts dead let's not even give it a shot. Everything's let what if Hear me out what if we try it and if it works, we do we keep doing it. Right? Like what's wrong with there's literally nothing wrong with that, but some people just don't want to do it. I want to circle back to the brand thing. Because one of the companies I'm working with right now is go Going through a branding, exercise or whatever. And and I'm not going to say that that's pointless, I actually think it's worthwhile. But when your brand is so set in stone based on a brand exercise, that your marketing doesn't work. That's not good. Yeah. So if you go through like a branding exercise, and you come up with a brand and say, Okay, this is where my brand is, that brand needs to be flexible and shift based on what your customers respond to and react to. And the other thing, and this is kind of a higher level topic, but a lot of people when they start thinking about branding, they'll buy some brand books, when they talk, they'll they'll they'll see how did Apple handle its branding? And how did Tesla handle its branding. The reality is, is your business is not if you're listening to podcasts, your business is not anything like those businesses, and you can't follow the steps that they follow to make your stuff work. Those are statistical outlier businesses. 99.99999% of all businesses out there do not operate like those businesses, they simply don't. And so looking to those businesses to get ideas is fun and interesting. But most of the concepts there aren't super applicable to your business or your brand. And so what you need to do is maybe have a flexible loosey goosey brand, that is defined by customer interaction. And then you solidify that over time, based on what what the customers want, how they respond, and how they spend their money. They're basically voting with their dollars on on how your brand should be. So keep kind of doing more of that

Greg Marshall  31:35   well, and the brand that they you know, put together, quite frankly, they built it based on the same concepts we're talking about. They provided something that is of such huge value, that it's a no brainer to the customer, and they tell more customers to buy. And the referrals go up, which is why those companies are so viral, so profitable. And they can charge a premium. It's because it's not because they thought of a cool thing first, as far as how to look and appear, and then show that to the customer. I started buying because it looks cool. It's actually the other way around. They created stuff that people loved, and couldn't get enough of, and provided so much value first. And then built made it just look sexier and sexier over time over time.

Blake Beus  32:27   And you think apples been around since the 70s? Yep.

Greg Marshall  32:30   What's the first Apple logo from the 70s to now does not look the same, right?

Blake Beus  32:35   No, I mean, it's similar, because the companies are still named apple. But there's been a lot of changes, but logo is only one piece of the branding. Back in the 70s, Apple was branded their company persona was this scrappy company where you could have this, you could build this stuff in your garage and could connect to everything. And now Apple is not this scrappy company. It's polished Hill, it's everything. But they had to go through each of those phases. And they had to shift, right, because that scrappy computer company in the 70s and 80s worked. But then in the 90s, it started to fade as Microsoft started becoming this business professional kind of brand. And so they reinvented themselves to be for creators. And that reinvention took them 1215 years. So they were also flexible. And you got to realize that so if you read a brand book that talks just about how Steve Jobs did the rebranding, when he came back, that's not entirely relevant to you and your company. Tell me about

Greg Marshall  33:34   Steve Jobs when they had zero customer. And guess what he was willing to do? Pick up the phone and call people and say you got to try this new computer that I got this new product, hey, investor, take a look at this the same principles that we all need to do. And we're never above any of that.

Blake Beus  33:53   And you have to go through those principles to get to this to get to that level, like like all of them, all of them do. And they spent millions and millions, hundreds of millions of dollars in branding, advertising to get there as well and to really seek that brand. But you know, you if you're listening to this and you own a title company, that's just not, that's not going to have that's you're not going to be the Steve Jobs of title companies, right? That doesn't mean your business can't be wildly successful and be everything you need that business to be in and help 1000s and 1000s 1000s of people you totally can. But your brand is not going to not going to be like that. But you can run some ads, you can you can have a very personalized voice. You can come up with messaging, you can follow the hook scripts that Greg talked about. And you can start seeing some serious results without having to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to solidify your brand.

Greg Marshall  34:43   Well just you know, to kind of cap this off here. Think customer first. And that's how you'll have your most powerful messaging and avoid the mistakes of thinking you first versus customer first because that's usually where the messaging kind of Next up is your thinking more about you versus the value the customer is desiring, and speaking in their language. And so, with that being said, I hope today was valuable. Yeah. Blake, how can people reach

Blake Beus  35:14   you? Just go to Blake Three, that's the easiest way to kind of get in touch with me, Greg and I run a membership where we talk more on all of this stuff, and answer your questions and everything. Plus give you a bunch of things that make your life easier every month with your marketing efforts.

Greg Marshall  35:34   And yeah, you can reach me at Greg And you can book a free strategy session where we can go over how we can grow your business in the best way possible for the long term.

Blake Beus  35:45   All right, we'll catch you guys later. Bye