Marketing message 2.0 - How to get your message just right. EP-040

Modern Marketers with Blake Beus and Greg Marshall

Sep 9 2022 • 39 mins

Blake Beus  0:00   messaging 2.0. So last week, we talked about messaging. And we gave a lot of different ideas concepts on on messaging. And I know a lot of people think messaging. It's boring talk, right like to talk to me about algorithms or, or targeting or stuff like that. But as we've mentioned, many times messaging is becoming more and more, it's more important, always been important. Yes. But with changes in data collection and privacy rules, which are only going to get more restrictive things like targeting and that are going to become less effective. Yep. And so messaging, which I feel like we're seeing this all the time is becoming more and more and more important to you. So you wanted to follow up on on on what we talked about last week, with some tests and things you've run this week? And give us kind of a rundown on what you're seeing with messaging.

Greg Marshall  0:53   Yeah, so one thing, and the reason why we're harping so much on messaging, if we could sell you on messaging is king, you will actually be able to control your, your success, right in the future when it comes to your business. Because this is the one lever that if you pull it will give you the greatest return. Alright, so what I want to talk about as a client as a direct test, so $1,000, the offer really didn't change much. The targeting didn't change much. And they spent $1,000. Got no leads.

Blake Beus  1:27   Yeah. And so they brought you on to kind of be like, this isn't work. Yeah, like we spent 1000 bucks got zero leads. When you told me this, the first thing I was like I asked was, what was their lead form broken? Oh, that's

Greg Marshall  1:39   exactly what I thought I couldn't believe it. Because it is so unbelievable to think. Even the worst of that will get you one leave for $1,000. Right? Yeah. $1,000 like something's got to be brought. So the first thing I did was I looked at the targeting, are they even targeting the right areas? Yeah. Are they who are they targeting? Is it? Are they like their landing page? Is it working? Are they saying it to a page? Oh, everything worked? Okay. $1,000.00 leads. So what we did was we, we swapped out the what she was saying. And the ads so we still so ad number one was selfie style. And number two was selfie style. So at least our videos like style video. Yep, selfie, just offering the service zoek. We did that. And so there was no change in like how look, we didn't like increase the production, or make it look totally different. We same format. What we did was we changed the words on what we said. And we made one major shift that I think may have influenced the success of this. We made sure that the message was all about the feelings that the customer on the field versus ad number one was about what we did, okay, okay, which may seem very subtle, but it makes a massive difference

Blake Beus  3:02   was this in was was what industries it's a fitness industry. Okay,

Greg Marshall  3:07   so one, one add number one was about leveling up, we do CrossFit. We can get your nutrition plans, we can do all that, right? That's showing the business. And number two was about how they feel. So what are your customers always say when they come in? Well, they're looking for a place to feel included. They just moved here. So they don't really have a gym to go to. They want to be a part of a community. They want to be able to go with friends and family. And you know, so I said, switch all the messaging to that, and talk nothing about the other stuff. Yeah. So we made that shift. And to essentially put on steroids. What we did was the background of the video. I said do the videos in front of the places where your customers live, because this is a local business. Okay. So instead of just saying, Hey, do we live here? We said, like right behind right behind her was like the main shopping center. Okay, that's a very

Blake Beus  4:06   recognizable thing. Vengo ooh, that's cool. I have never thought about that. So I

Greg Marshall  4:11   said, say this the area of your town, and then have in the background, something that they would quickly recognize. Oh, that's right. My neighborhood. Yeah. And then we target that neighborhood. Right? That's awesome. What that did was we spent 40 bucks and got five leads.

Blake Beus  4:27   Okay, okay, so So you went from paying $1,000 for zero read leads? Yep. Essentially negative infinity Yep. return on adspend. And then you went to $40 for five like five

Greg Marshall  4:47   leads right seems like an improvement to me it's it's a huge imprint targeting was the same targeting was the same.

Blake Beus  4:54   Ad was obviously less but the style of the video style was the same

Greg Marshall  4:58   but the messaging because think about what I had in the background plus what she said, yeah. That's the change in the ad hook in the messaging. And that right there, even to me, someone who does this all the time, that was shocking, the the immediacy of the response, right, which shows it's more about what you're saying, than anything else. Right? He's setting. And so that's just one example. There's actually another example where a client, in fact, I think they did so well, they moved off. Which is the point, right, which is the point because they started getting so many sales, is they essentially hired me to do the same. So they were like, Hey, we've been running ads, on or off, he spent several $1,000.00 sales. So no sales from this, right?

Blake Beus  5:53   Can I just pause really quick? I, I'm always floored at $1,000. I do. Really quick, really quick. If you're running, if you're running a lead campaign, and you spent a couple 100 bucks, and you've got nothing to turn it off and reevaluate. Like don't keep running it for 1000 bucks. If you're trying to sell something, depending on cost, maybe like it kind of depends. But if it's leads, yep, you spent a couple 100 bucks and you get nothing, turn it off, turn it off and reevaluate. Try again.

Greg Marshall  6:23   Well, and I think you know, the belief is I think, well, Someone's probably telling me, you just need to spend more. So I think their belief is I have to be spending more and more. Maybe I'm just not spending there's a

Blake Beus  6:34   time and a place for that. But that's when you're scaling. And when you've already kind of got the system down, you've already got the messaging down. And then you want to like scale in a big way, then yes, you do need to spend more and yes, your cost per lead will go up. But you need to have some leads first. Yeah. Thank you got it. Yeah.

Greg Marshall  6:49   And then and that's the thing is you spend more once you have things that are proven, so that you can stabilize your accounts. But that's for another discussion, discussion came back, get back on what you were saying this right here is, so they spent 1000s of dollars, no sales? No nothing, right? They're using Google Facebook ads combination. Okay, once again, we changed nothing. As far as the fact I never even changed. The targeting, I changed nothing. Actually. Everything just kept running both the problem was what the landing page said,

Blake Beus  7:26   Oh, okay. All right, change anything in the app zero. So the ads, were getting a good click through rate and that kind of stuff. Decent enough. Good enough. Good enough. Yeah, close to 1%. So that's how you start targeting. And that's how you start identifying where the bottlenecks are, like, if you're getting the ads, and the click through rate is good enough, then the problem is probably not specifically with the ads.

Greg Marshall  7:49   Correct. And so the client when they first and that's a good point, because when they first came on, they're like, Hey, I gotta change my ads, I got to figure out what's wrong with my ads. And I actually had to convince them the opposite. Nothing's wrong with your ad. Because he actually did a good job with the ads. I said, it's, it's what they're seeing. Once they click on it, they're not compelled. So what we do is we change the messaging to have more social proof. More about, okay, this is not that I'm saying this out loud. This is actually a tendency that I find with driven individuals. They speak the language of themselves. So at the top, it said, it was something about how to be in the top 10% of your class, you know, blah, blah, blah, right? Uh huh. And I asked, I said, What is the person that's going to buy this? What do they want? Do they want to be part of the 10%? Or do they just want to be able to get hired?

Blake Beus  8:50   Right? And this was on like a certification program. So you take this course or go through this program, and now you're certified to work as XYZ job in whatever industry? So it's like part of part of a certificate. Okay,

Greg Marshall  9:06   exactly. So it's basically, these are people that are looking to build a career in this industry. And what I asked was, well, why does Why would someone who Why would someone who is someone wants to be part of the 10%? They're probably already motivated. So therefore, they probably won't even buy this. Yeah. Because they would have figured it all out on their own. You're going after someone that wants to start a career get hired, doesn't know what to do and needs guidance?

Blake Beus  9:37   Yeah, they're shifting industries. Right, exactly. They're their career changing. They don't know what to do. There's probably a lot of just uncertainty on how to proceed.

Greg Marshall  9:48   So think of this. So the psychology of that person is more of they're afraid they don't know what to do. They need someone to hold their hand, not be in the top 10% They don't have the happens. Yeah, yeah, just think I can be part of the 10%.

Blake Beus  10:03   So many of them probably just want to, I just want to complete the thing. That's all I want to complete, and be qualified to get the job and do a good job.

Greg Marshall  10:11   So when basically change the language to that, really what you just said, complete the thing and get a job. Yeah, you, you want to get hired, start your career, start earning a good income, and you know, blah, blah, blah, all

Blake Beus  10:25   this sort of time qualifier in six months, or however long it takes to go through the program. And that program takes six months. There you

Greg Marshall  10:31   go, we changed it. instantly started getting sales, he got no sales before. Day we changed it without i. We didn't change. Yes, I think he thought I did. But I did not because I knew the ads were not broken. We changed the messaging within a day he got to sales.

Blake Beus  10:50   So $1,000.00 sales, changed the message messaging, not even turning the ads off, nope, no change in ads, just change the messaging, changing, targeting no changing nothing, and gets to sales, the next step gets to sales right away. And I remember thinking,

Greg Marshall  11:06   wow, messaging is so important that it could easily be overlooked because of the new ad setting, or the new this or the new that. Or even just maybe if it's not even that you're just you're addressing the wrong problem. Your ads may actually be okay. It's your messaging after that, right. And half, half the struggle, I think, when it comes to small businesses and their marketing is how to identify which problem they should address, right? Because if you don't know what you don't know, you and you're just running ads, you're thinking, well, then I must have an ad problem. Yeah. But if your click through rates are 1% or higher, whatever. And like I said, he did a good job on his ads, I thought his ads are pretty good. Then if it's pretty good, then it's just what they're seeing your landing page and the offer. And so that to me, those are just two examples. Just how much impact something and like I said, I mean, being an industry and you'd probably fall into this before, too. It even surprises me at times. How much thought needs to be put into the messaging and how much it really does impact the conversion. Because sometimes you can think, oh, maybe if I tweak this a little bit of that a little bit, it'll make a small impact, but not that great. But then when you start tweaking, these are realizing it makes a giant difference. I mean, you're talking about same ad spend, same ads, same targeting, one got no sales over 1000s of dollars and span. And another got instant sales with I don't even think was a couple $100 or something like that.

Blake Beus  12:51   Yeah. So I mean, that's, this is how I think about and how I explain it to anybody I'm working with is like, look, we have all these new shiny toys for marketing. But marketing has been marketing for a long time. I mean, ever since people have sold things, there's been, you know, salespeople, marketing, whatever. The thing is, is technology evolves very quickly. But But human brains evolve very slowly. Oh, yeah. And so a lot of the marketing strategies that worked way back when, when there wasn't a great way to track data or to target geographically or whatever, will still work now. And what they did is they spent time focusing on dialing in the message. Now, there's going to be a ton of people that will say, and I tell this to people all the time that will say you need to really figure out your customer avatar, and all of that stuff. And there's lots of worksheets and courses and things you can do. And I don't necessarily think that's a waste of time. But I also think sometimes it's pretty restrictive. Yeah, in what you're thinking about and can be, it can be a bit time consuming. Yeah, I guess I don't think it's a waste of time. But if people are struggling creating the customer avatar, I would suggest and I would suggest everybody try this is go just talk to some of your actual customers. And just just call them up on the phone, even if you're whatever, like email them and say, hey, I want to schedule a 20 minute call or something and just ask them some questions like, you know, why did you sign up and then what did you think about it and ask them if you can record that. And then you can actually take some of their exact words switch it around into an ad hook, capture, look for those emotions, look at those things and then start using that language if you don't have any customers find a competitor. Yep, see what reviews they have? See what emotions those reviews have the positive ones Yep. And then use those emotions in your ad copy and your sales page copy. You don't need to rip off the quotes or whatever but but look for those emotions like look at a review and say what what did they get out of this? Oh, they felt happy because they were able to achieve this. Okay, my product helps achieve that. So let's, let's use those same kinds of emotions in our in our language. And I think that's a better exercise than trying to dial in your customer avatar way, way

Greg Marshall  15:13   better, I think. Because you have to speak to the customer, right? So it's about the customer, not you. Yeah. Right. Like, always remember, yesterday, I was having a conversation with a client, where I said, you know, a lot of the stuff that is I think, pushed by well meaning consultants and marketers and things like that is a lot about like, how do you want to position yourself? And then, like, how do you almost force the customer to mold to what you're doing, versus reacting to the market and giving the market what they want? Yeah, and what they're needing? And I think one is a me first thought process, and another is a you first thought process. And I think you first always wins when it comes to, if you're a business, your job is to solve problems, right? Well, you're not solving your problem. Right? The business's job is to solve the customer's problem, right? So therefore, you should be thinking about the customer. And doing drills, like Blake said, looking at reviews, looking at what is selling the most out there in the marketplace? And why? And what are they saying? What's the market telling us? You you want to have a pulse on? What is the market telling us so that you can provide things to help people? Yeah, right. And I think by utilizing language and the emotions that reviews show, and testimonials, and and any of those kinds of and you can use Amazon's a great,

Blake Beus  16:49   I was gonna say Amazon books, like, if you have a product that solves a problem, go to Amazon and look for four popular books that address that problem. Read those reviews, write down the emotions, write down some of the features, the benefits, not the not the features, like

Greg Marshall  17:06   121 pages, yeah, or,

Blake Beus  17:10   or how many calories you're counting, if you're not those things, but how they felt after they maybe lost the weight or how they felt after they solved this this problem or how they felt in their new T shirt like I was, guys were buying me drinks at bars, like I talked about last night, right? Something like that, right? Yep. That's a much easier way to do.

Greg Marshall  17:29   And I think the most important thing is to not underestimate the power of your messaging and to be willing to test your messaging. And to really think if whatever you're doing right now is not getting a convergence, I always suggest trying the exact opposite. Right? And it sounds funny, but you don't want to make a slight variation of something that's not working at all, you want to do a polar opposite. And start because typically, what I find is people, they have a resistance to testing new ways or new languages, for a reasonable fear, a fear of maybe the market will react negatively to them, maybe their spouse will react negatively to them. Maybe they were brought up to never speak in a certain way or to never, you know, showcase something in a certain way. A lot of these are internal, self limiting beliefs of selling. When you think about selling most people think negatively about it. Yeah, well, I don't want to manipulate somebody, I don't want to twist someone's arm to buy something. I don't want to be considered the fool because I'm a salesman. And that's not you know, a prestigious career compared to doctors, and all that's false. Those are just things that we think other people are thinking, versus if you switch your paradigm to sell to help, and to just really think how can I help my customer, my audience, my marketplace, that's when selling becomes fun. And it should be more natural. Because if you're in business to help people to solve a problem, and you're only thinking about how can I do that? Naturally, your brain will start to think of things, you're going to start asking your questions like, Well, what did they need? Well, if they bought this, what else would they need? If they bought this? How would they feel? And how do I make them feel better? Or how do I make them feel the results quicker? If you start thinking of questions like that your behavior will naturally sell the audience because you're just answering those questions that the customers have.

Blake Beus  19:34   Yeah, yeah. And it doesn't have to like it doesn't have to feel manipulative. We've talked about that. I have a an a very reasonable but very strong resistance to feeling manipulate middle and manipulative. Yes, I just, I just don't have patience for that in my life, and I really don't want to be that person. But because of that when I first started running ads specifically for my products, I I struggled because everything I said felt manipulative, because I felt like I was taking this very complicated things with a bunch of nuances and distilling it down to a few sentences. But the reality is, is that you can't have this big complicated conversation in an app. Yeah, it's, it's, it's not going to work. And so what you need to do is simplify all that down. And to make that feel better for me, because I simplified the offer and solved a very small part of the big problem that I that I could solve. And that was step one of the solution. And then step two, once they bought step one, now, I had a better communication channel where over time, via email, or going live or whatever, I had their ear, and I could explain the nuances and explain all of these things and lead them to, you know, once they completed step one, we can go to step two, which solves, you know, the next problem that's bigger and a little bit more complex.

Greg Marshall  20:53   Well, and I think to the back when I was training a lot of salespeople to go out and sell their products. What I always said, like a hack that can help you with the manipulate, like, you know, just like not wanting to be seen that one is intent. Okay, your intent, as long as your intent is there, you should feel okay, communicating in ways to help your customer feel a certain way to be able to take their next steps, as long as the intent is to truly help them. Yeah, right. To me, that's the key, as long as your intent is to truly help them out, then you want to do everything in your power to be able to trigger this and trigger that and to get them to understand that if this is a problem that you want to solve, this is how you get it done. As long as that intent is there, and it's in the right, you know, it's positive and you're trying to do the right thing, then I think you should be fine, where you would be able to not feel so negative. That's always what's helped me when I've trained people to help them understand like, we're not here trying to fool people into doing something bad, right? Or not helpful for them. Yeah, the intent is that, then step away, shouldn't do this. Right. Yeah. But if the intent is I really want to help this person solve this problem. Well, what would I need to do in order for them to take the steps because as human beings, we all get our own way? Oh, yeah. And sometimes we need someone to irritate and trigger some things for us to realize, yeah, I do want to fix that. Or I do want to get better at that. Or it is time now to fix this problem versus waiting. So that's always been something that I've worked with salespeople on how to not especially newer salespeople, how not to feel like you're twisting people's arms or manipulating or leading them in the wrong direction? Yeah.

Blake Beus  22:52   Yeah, absolutely. So I mean, I want to take a quick step back and just talk about because we brushed on this and but I want to talk about, you're running some ads, or you doing some marketing, we talked a lot about ads on here. But any traffic source, yeah, organic, or paid organic or paid, works the same, whether that's social, or SEO, or email or whatever, right? It works the same. But I want to talk really quick about how to trouble you, you are doing some marketing, and it's not working. Is it the messaging? Is it something else, you know, and how to how to identify, because we brushed about that a little bit earlier. But I'd like to take just a minute to do that. So So what are your thoughts? Let's say someone's running an email campaign. And it's not. It doesn't seem to be doing what they've got a list of 1000 people that should be pretty interested. And it's not working.

Greg Marshall  23:47   It's the messaging is, when in doubt, as soon as the message right when in doubt, as soon as the messaging but

Blake Beus  23:54   I would take one step before that. Run a couple of test orders or leads. Yes, nature's work, right, you're getting zero First things first, it takes five minutes, fill out the form yourself, make sure it works for you. Try it on your phone, because if people are clicking on a phone, and you have a mobile responsive website issue, take five minutes to do that. Eliminate that as a problem. First, make sure your lead form works and your purchase form works. Yep. But then on email. It's almost always messaging. Yes. Because these are people that are already familiar with the business. But with email, you have a couple places to look at messaging. Yep. Well,

Greg Marshall  24:31   I mean, number 190 9% of your work is going to be in the subject headline, right? They never open it then they never saw the rest of the stuff.

Blake Beus  24:41   So how do we know it's a subject line? Headline we look at open rate

Greg Marshall  24:45   the rates Yeah, so typically you look at if you're getting like under a 20% open rate, depending on the size of your list too. But if you're getting under 20% You can probably try to worse improve that. And then some lists will get as high as 30 or 40%, depending on how qualified the people are the relationship they already have. But most importantly, the the subject headline has to be something that will cause you to want to open it. Yeah. Right. And that's the key. And if you don't get that, right, everything else will fall apart.

Blake Beus  25:18   So if you're on, let's just give you some guidelines, if you're under 20%, open rate, put effort into making those headlines better to try to get closer to 20%, or over 20%. Sometimes those percentages are a little bit weird, because if you got the email list by doing this offer over here, but you kind of shifted a little bit, whatever you're doing. But that might mean you need to put in your email list or whatever, but but strive for that. So that's step one, step two, the body of the message. Yeah. So

Greg Marshall  25:46   once you get into the actual once you stop them, and you get them to listen to what you have to say, the only part of the work is done. Once you get into the body. Now you have to think, how do I hook them over and over and over again, to keep reading? Right? So what you have to do is take a look and go, Well, is this messaging compelling to me? Right, or to my audience? And you have to look at like, is it causing? Is it stirring the emotions of curiosity? Interest, maybe anger, disappointment, embarrassment, fear of loss, those types of emotions? Is this email doing that in any kind of way? Or even excitement? Right? And then when you look at it, you have to think, a lot, a big question I get, how long should the emails be? And the answer, in my opinion, is however long it takes for the person to get excited to want to do something. Yeah, I don't think there's any magical, like, it needs to be two lines, or it needs to be 10 paragraphs. I think it's, well, if I get the right person to open this, what what else do they need to see and feel in order to take an action? Right. So this requires you to once again, go in depth on understanding what your customer wants, what the pain point is, and why they even would open that email in the first place. And then align that message with that. So that it's a perfect message to market match. Yeah. And that's where I would look into is whatever your subject line is, the body needs to correlate with that subject line. But it also needs to have the same kind of emotional trigger when they're reading it the whole time.

Blake Beus  27:23   Yeah. And I would say, if someone's asking me the question, should my email be long or short? My first question is, well, how often do you email your list? Yeah. Because if you struggle to get emails out, forget long emails. Yeah, just go a short, it's more important for you to get emails out. Yep. Once you're consistent with your emails, and you're getting them out, and you're seeing some progress, and you have kind of a baseline, and you've got a process in place, then start experimenting many with long emails. But if you're hemming and hawing over email length, and you're doing spending so much time thinking about that you're not getting emails out. Don't worry about emailing. Yeah, and I think

Greg Marshall  27:58   sometimes we're so sometimes as as business owners, too, we can get caught up focusing on the wrong thing. That's actually the wrong question to ask. Well, I've done it many times. It shouldn't be long or short. The real question you should ask is, what message do I need to write to compel my customer versus long or short? One is like attack that the other was more strategic. And the other one serves better. The other ones just kind of surface its feature versus benefit. And if you're thinking like, there's, once again, it goes back to the is there a magical setting out there? That will unlock the pot of gold? Right? Like if I do this versus that, and we've all done it, but always discipline yourself to think that's not the right question to ask the right question to ask is, What does my customer need to see, read feel, so that they want to go ahead and take the next step. And if we do that, and you focus on that, you will get better and better and better at your messaging overall, it's like this is a skill that translates into ADS, marketing, landing pages, email marketing, SMS, marketing, all of that. It translates to everything. That's what I said, messaging is the biggest lever to pull when it comes to your marketing. Because if you can get really good at that, you can almost be a bad ad buyer, and a non technical email user and still get great results. Because I have a client right now that that does is they're horrific at the technical part, like they don't know it click the wrong buttons all the time. They they're constantly sending, but it works. But she's fantastic at the messaging like are you really, really good. And so she sells a ton of stuff. And she has no technical skill like well, she sent an email wrong list.

Blake Beus  29:58   But it still works because the messaging is Is that good? Well, and that's this is a skill set that will stay with you, and benefit you and your business forever. Yep. learning the ins and outs of intricate targeting will only be relevant for maybe six months. So if you're going to dedicate time into a skill, make it be this skill. Yep. And then you can hand off the tech bits to someone like Greg, yeah, to actually set it up for you. And and you know that that's just a much better use case. Okay, so email, it's almost always guaranteed you have a messaging problem. If you're not getting results from your email, ads, your click through rate, how do I know if my if my ad message, my ad messaging is bad, or my landing page messaging is bad, like which one

Greg Marshall  30:52   so I measure the two metrics you'll want to measure, click the rate on your link, click the rate on your ads. No matter what platform doesn't matter what platform you're running, always the same. How many people are clicking the link to your to go to action, whatever it is you're selling? Okay, you want 1% or higher? Okay, I've seen ads work just fine. I like point nice and close enough to 1%. But essentially want one out of 100 people to click it and

Blake Beus  31:22   sees it to click it goes and you can get higher click through rates, you really can. But if it's below 1%, you probably most certainly you have a messaging problem in your app.

Greg Marshall  31:33   Yeah. And if you're like hovering around point five, or point three, your messaging is way

Blake Beus  31:40   off. I would say one caveat is Google Display Network ads, which many people kind of hop into that later in their journey? The click through rates on those are generally quite low, because they're just kind of blasted. Yeah, so but we're talking like Word Search Ads, YouTube ads, like anything in like a feed are very visible kind of point. Great point. Because display is going to be you know, they're

Greg Marshall  32:01   going to show they're going to be super low. So 10,000 impressions a one person, you know, so they can only click once. Right, right. So great point, because these are the we're talking about in fee type ads. So search, tick tock feeds, Facebook feeds, Instagram feeds, YouTube feeds,

Blake Beus  32:17   all that search ads, you could very likely get significantly higher 15 20%. I

Greg Marshall  32:22   see way higher. Yeah, search. So yeah, yeah, so that's a good metric, a good place to start in feed is 1% or higher. But if you're like point three or point five, you're way off, you're way off the mark, it's not, you're not a little bit, it's way off. But that message is not the message that's gonna work. Then the other metric I measure is just conversion rate on the page. So if if I'm getting a very high click, let's say I get a 2%, click through rate on my ad, right, which is great. But then I go to my landing page, and I have 0% conversion, then you want to fix the landing page, the ad is getting people there. But the landing page isn't resonating once they get there. And that's how I diagnose or the other I've seen it where a click through rates are really low. And the people that do somehow get to the landing page, do convert, but it's just the volumes not there. The click through rate is really low with the conversion is really high, then it's the ad.

Blake Beus  33:26   And my suggestion to most people, you tell me if you agree, my suggestion, and most people, if you have, let's say you have a good click through rate and a bad conversion rate on the landing page, I would I suggest people literally just take the same emotions that is in their ad, because that's working and convey those on the landing page. Yeah, restate them in a different way on the landing page, or even the same, or even the exact same like you could use the exact same headline, you could maybe add some bullet points to drive the point home or something like that. But but that works. And if vice versa as well if the landing page is getting conversions, but the click through rates are really bad on the ads, just take the same copy on the landing page and maybe rework it a little so it fits within the ad display where it's supposed to look. And

Greg Marshall  34:11   then run those. Well. Here's it. Here's like another hack, which you can do. If you don't even want to build out some long, elaborate landing page until you figure it out. You can just build like a simple landing page. And then just only test your ad messages, figure out which ad messages work the best and then build a landing page all of that. And that that can save you a bunch of time from spending hours and hours and hours building a landing page that you don't even know if it resonates or not. You can use the ad to pretty much test what your landing page should be. And that's that's a good way just to save time, obviously, if you're pressed on time.

Blake Beus  34:47   Absolutely. And you can take that a step further. You can use that same messaging in your emails. Or if you have a good email list and you're working on that and you know what kind of messaging works in your emails, use that messaging in your ads, test that out See what see how that works? You don't have to rewrite everything you can. You could I've seen people do this before, I think it's fine. You can use the exact same wording, and an ad and an email and a landing page. Yeah. Like, there's literally nothing wrong with that. If you know that that works. And it converts, then do it, oh, do it over and over again, change out the headline on your email your subject line and send out the same one. Not everybody opens every single email. No, right. And it's okay to have too many emails going out that have a very similar message. That's totally fine.

Greg Marshall  35:35   Once you find your messaging, though, you just want to build around that. Yeah. So everything around that message, start really dialing in. And this is for, like people who don't have their messaging figured out. There's different techniques to use for people that already have great traction, and are looking to expand. That's a little bit different.

Blake Beus  35:56   A bit of a different conversation where

Greg Marshall  35:59   we, yeah, we got to cover Yeah, how to that'll be another POC as observer we'll talk about, if you're someone who's already having some level of success. But you're, you're stuck, like you can't seem to expand your passcode,

Blake Beus  36:12   right, like everybody does that you you hit a plateau. And then you've got to learn a new skill I've run into

Greg Marshall  36:17   many times, and then it's, it's always kind of like you're banging your head against the wall. But then you eventually figured out where you have to go, well, it's got to, I have to be wording things a little bit different to address a different market, or to address a different type of product. And that usually is what will help help you get over the hump. But that could be another episode where we can talk about chat about that, or how to do that.

Blake Beus  36:41   Yeah. So I think you've got a really good understanding at this point on how important messaging is yes. And we talked, we spent a lot of time talking about algorithms and all of this stuff. And we will continue to talk about those things. But messaging is literally the first thing you need to figure out. And so definitely put some time and effort into getting that figured out. Testing multiple messaging, getting a little creative. If you're in a if you're in a loved this one, if you're in a geographic location and your audiences in that same location. Record yourself in front of recognizable things. Yep.

Greg Marshall  37:18   Which. Awesome, awesome. Awesome. Add hook. Yeah,

Blake Beus  37:21   absolutely. Not, not just in front of your office, because that's what I thought you were gonna say. And I was like, Well, I don't know. But when you said in front of the very recommend recognizable, or, or here in Utah, we have Ben Lomond mountain, right, like, like it's a very recognizable peak, and you can stand up on, you know, in this one street that goes right down and very iconic for Ogden could make that work.

Greg Marshall  37:43   I mean, there's so many things you can do. Like the next round of ads we're gonna make for her is actually, we're going to walk on the highest trafficking street and say, like, Hey, do you walk on this Boulevard? Yeah, each and every day and wonder where you should work out? Yeah. No, that's great. Another one's gonna be, we're gonna go to each housing complex, and say the name of the housing conflict, say, Hey, do you just move into SO and SO apartments? Right across the street from our location? Yeah. If you need something, come on, like so. Right. Those are, but you've got to put the thought into the messaging like that. Most people just do the you're I'm in my gym, or I'm just in my office or and there's nothing to like, hook him in.

Blake Beus  38:31   Yeah. Well, and you don't need a high production value. So you know. Yeah. And, and you're gonna feel dumb doing it to be honest. Yeah. Yeah, it is. You're gonna feel like people don't do they're gonna feel a little stupid doing it, but just do it anyway, you know, work, it'll work. Alright, Greg, how can people get in touch with

Greg Marshall  38:49   you? You can go to Greg and book a free strategy session call.

Blake Beus  38:54   And then Blake threes, the best way to get in touch with me.

Greg Marshall  38:59   So great. Well, until next time, work on that messaging. And I will talk to you later. Okay, bye.