Own Your Gifts S2 EP 11

Own Your Gifts

Dec 8 2021 • 49 mins

Are you being pulled around in different directions? Do you feel like you’ve lost your north? Feeling lost is a natural part of human existence. Perhaps you might be feeling like there’s no way out and you have nowhere to go. And figuring out what your next step should be can feel overwhelming. On today’s episode we talk habits and how building healthier habits can ignite recovery

Show Notes:

It’s one thing to preach the benefits of eating right and exercising, and it’s another to actually do it. Being consistently productive in your day-to-day life is challenging, but with the right mindset, these healthy habits can become second nature and a part of your everyday lifestyle.

Our guest today shares his story on how he went from a life of violence, crime, jail and alcohol addiction to embarking on the path of overcoming. Throughout his life he used his experiences and challenges to create a framework that empowered him to rebuild his life.

His name is RJ Singh, today he helps professionals accross different fields develop ultra habits to master their mind, body and soul to unlock their limitless possibilities and create massive impact in all areas of their lives.

In our talk RJ will share with us his framework to collect information from high performance experts, extract their knowledge and create systems, behaviours and habits that we can implement daily to perform better.

Quote: “​​Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” ― Dale Carnegie


  • How to go from surviving to thriving
  • Learning from dialogue in the path of recovery
  • Why should you have unshakable habits
  • Information becomes knowledge once it’s applied
  • Reframe yourself to live the life you deserve
  • Normalising difficult conversations on mental health and addiction
  • On hitting rock bottom and how it can propel you
  • You can rebuilt and redesign your life
  • False positivity: geting rid of it and become comfortable with where you are at


Joseph Pollaro,  Efficacy Life Coaching

Website: EfficacyLifeCoaching.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephpollaro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EfficacyLifeCoaching/

One Golden Nugget:https://onegoldennugget.com/theuniverse/members/josephpollaro/

Danny Shannon, Encapsulator

Website: https://encapsulator.io/#/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-a-shannon-05a109163/#

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.shannon.395