Own Your Gift S2 EP

Own Your Gifts

Dec 27 2021 • 50 mins

Did you know that around 80% of our thoughts are negative 90% are repetitive? Your mental process can be harvesting disease. But instead of thinking of your shortcomings, the mind can be trained to focus on how we can imporve to become and live better. This episode is all about turning your pain and suffering into opportunity.

Show Notes:

What happens when you plug into negativity? Well for starters, to get attached to negativity can only take you down from where you’re currently at. Negative emotions can stop us from behaving rationally and look at things with the right perspective.

Negative energy often makes us feel powerless as we look at everything with defeat. Your carrer, relationsips, the future. It makes you feel you're useless.

With all that is going around the world right now we could all use some positive energy. So when we talk about unpluging it means that we have the opporunirty to connect to something else, isn’t it?

Does this mean we have to enjoy the pain? Not necesarily, rather we want you to change your relatioship by adversity.  On this episode we will disucss how sometimes our biggest falls can help us bounce back up higher than we could ever imagined.

Quote: “​​Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful..” ―  Joshua Marine


  • Living life not worried about other’s opinion on you
  • Recovering is about letting go and unlearning
  • Your past, present and future in relation to your pain
  • The triangle of self-obsessionand why we must break from it
  • The practice of gratitude in the midst of deeply painful times
  • Sometimes you have to gown to go back up
  • Sobrierity opens a world full of opportunities to help and serve others
  • Keep the window of will power always open


Joseph Pollaro,  Efficacy Life Coaching

Website: EfficacyLifeCoaching.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephpollaro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EfficacyLifeCoaching/

One Golden Nugget:https://onegoldennugget.com/theuniverse/members/josephpollaro/

Danny Shannon, Encapsulator

Website: https://encapsulator.io/#/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-a-shannon-05a109163/#

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.shannon.395