What Are Our Gifts

Own Your Gifts

Aug 23 2021 • 52 mins

Trauma-Informed Healing- OYG Interview with spiritual warrior Lukas Williams, Founder of Gan'na Healing.

Show Notes:

Do our problems drive our evolution?

Danny, Joey & Lukas Dive Deep into their individual dark nights of the soul. How those experiences are their greatest gifts today and put them in the unique position to help others traverse the same territory.

In order to see light, it needs to be brought into the dark.

The death-rebirth pattern is obvious in everything within the universe, nature, religion, science & mythology. You have to go down to go up higher. Our journeys through decades of active addiction mirror this universal law.

Quote: “For us to be given the gifts of our ancestors, culture, and wisdom through ceremony one must walk in a straight line” ~Lukas Williams


  • How to create safe spaces for healing
  • Why living life on life’s terms is essential
  • Why integrity is the key ingredient to recovery
  • What is a Spiritual Awakening, do we find “IT”, or does “IT” find us?
  • Where does Bob Dylan fit in?
  • Power of non-attachment
  • Unlearning, shedding & removing blocks
  • Random Acts of Kindness
  • Power of visualization
  • Why wisdom through lived experience trumps knowledge every time
  • What’s the difference between Activism, Healing & Assimilating
  • Walk away with a simple, effective tool you can use today to plug into the higher force of GRATITUDE at will.


Joseph Pollaro,  Efficacy Life Coaching

Website: EfficacyLifeCoaching.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephpollaro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EfficacyLifeCoaching/

One Golden Nugget:https://onegoldennugget.com/theuniverse/members/josephpollaro/

Danny Shannon, Encapsulator

Website: https://encapsulator.io/#/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-a-shannon-05a109163/#

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.shannon.395

Lukas Williams, Gan'na Healing.

Website: http://www.gannahealing.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ganna.healing.54