Own Your Gifts S2 EP 5

Own Your Gifts

Dec 17 2021 • 54 mins

Have you ever felt like you’re putting up a mask to face life? What's the value of a mask? A mask hides your feelings, your personality and your real self. If you're wearing a mask, how do you know what the real you is? Find out in this episode and get centered. Recovery is possible!

Show Notes:

This episode is sure to add some value to anyone in any stage of their recovery. We have the legendary Annie Lieb who is a mom, guide, entrepreneur and goddess. She was put on this earth with a purpose to model the way for personal freedom, healing and fulfillment.

But it wasn’t always this way.

About 7 years back, Annie blew everything up in her life. She was battling with recovery, a divorce and abandonment by friends. As well as being wrongly diagnosed with depression. She hit rock bottom. But after going back to school and graduating during the pandemic, she found herself, built her life back up again and created a brilliant framework to help others get their life together.

In this episode, Annie will share with us how she helps her clients with her guided odyssey into their Soul Center

Quote: “To become conscious and aware, we must become authentic. Authenticity is the highest form of being.” ― Teal Swan


  • The importance of being authentic in recovery
  • The B.R.E.A.T.H. Framework and how it can help your healing journey
  • Getting rid of the worthlessness mindset and feeling like you’re enough
  • Step into the truth and who you are
  • The power to choose: Understand your lower nature and negative thoughts
  • Realign with your truth and purpose
  • You need to know where is your starting point before you reclaim your power
  • Embrace uniqueness: What makes you You?
  • You are not your past
  • Get into yourself and grow your gratitude


Joseph Pollaro,  Efficacy Life Coaching

Website: EfficacyLifeCoaching.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephpollaro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EfficacyLifeCoaching/

One Golden Nugget:https://onegoldennugget.com/theuniverse/members/josephpollaro/

Danny Shannon, Encapsulator

Website: https://encapsulator.io/#/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-a-shannon-05a109163/#

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.shannon.395