Own Your Gifts

Dec 2 2021 • 50 mins

In this episode, Danny and Joey discuss slowing down, learning how to identify wins and struggles, as well as taking time for yourself to reconnect.  Our podcasts are charged with the skills you need to plug  into the higher force of gratitude and learn from the experience of others who have overcome their greatest struggles with addiction.

Show Notes:

So often we feel like we need to constantly be doing something. We're always checking our phones, rushing to get to the next task, and living in a constant state of anxiety about what's coming next.

This episode is all about finding peace in slowing down. Among all things, in the process of recovery the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

We love connecting you with those who have walked the path you are currently on to provide you with key insights to help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Our guest on the show today to speak about her journey of recovery, her turning point and some tips to be gentle with yourself along the process of recovery.

She has a bachelors of social work and she’s currently working with aboriginal communities in Australia. After her addiction led her to lose custody of her children, she took an oath to tirelessly work to empower mothers and educate them about child protection.

Quote: “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” ― Oprah


  • Identify your wins and struggles
  • Busy is a drug: The importance of downtime
  • Learning to be compassionate with yourself
  • Take time to understand your needs
  • Be gentle with yourself
  • Get together with those who have walked the path you are on.
  • Asking for help: The turning point
  • The events that lead to relapse
  • Determination: Don’t leave before the miracle happens


Joseph Pollaro,  Efficacy Life Coaching

Website: EfficacyLifeCoaching.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephpollaro/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EfficacyLifeCoaching/

One Golden Nugget:https://onegoldennugget.com/theuniverse/members/josephpollaro/

Danny Shannon, Encapsulator

Website: https://encapsulator.io/#/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danny-a-shannon-05a109163/#

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.shannon.395