Franco Urbaez - Building a Massive Coaching Program from $0

Behind The Revenue

Mar 26 2024 • 1 hr 2 mins


Chad Kodary interviews Franco Urbaez, a business coach and software creator. They discuss Franco's background, his transition from agency owner to business coach, and the team structure of his business. They also talk about his client acquisition strategy and the development of his software. Franco shares his experience with using funding companies to offer payment options to his clients. They discuss the importance of qualifying prospects and setting the right expectations. Overall, the conversation highlights Franco's journey and the key aspects of his business. Franco Urbaez discusses the qualifying process for the Limitless Mastermind and the importance of the war room session in creating a game plan for financial success. He shares the qualifying questions and disqualifiers used to determine if potential clients are a good fit for the program. Franco explains the DM strategy and lead generation methods used to book coaching calls, as well as the structure of the coaching program and the role of coaches in the community. He also discusses the core prospecting method taught in the program and the importance of building a world-class business.


  • Franco Urbaez transitioned from being an agency owner to a business coach and software creator.
  • He uses a client acquisition strategy primarily focused on organic Facebook marketing.
  • Franco offers a software called Pepper, which automates DMs and lead flow for marketing agencies and business coaches.
  • He uses funding companies to provide payment options for his coaching program, allowing clients to pay in installments.
  • Qualifying prospects and setting the right expectations are crucial for a successful coaching program. The war room session is a crucial step in creating a game plan for financial success in the Limitless Mastermind program.
  • Qualifying questions and disqualifiers are used to determine if potential clients are a good fit for the program.
  • DM strategy and lead generation methods are used to book coaching calls, with a focus on the perfect messenger framework.
  • The coaching program includes weekly coaching calls, community support, and access to a content portal.
  • Building a world-class business involves focusing on client acquisition systems and leveraging the expertise of coaches and team members.


00:00 Introduction and Background
01:11 Transition to Business Coaching
02:02 Team Structure and Roles
03:20 Client Acquisition Strategy
04:18 Software Development and Features
05:01 Transition from Agency to Software Creator
06:00 Impact of COVID-19 on Business
07:31 Challenges with Churn and Client Acquisition
09:05 Upselling from Software to Coaching Program
10:07 Using Funding Companies for Payment Options
16:13 Changing Payment Plan Structure
19:05 Qualifying Prospects for Coaching Program
24:21 Success Rate with Funding Options
30:31 Qualifying Questions for Prospects
31:39 Qualifying Leads for the Limitless Mastermind
32:31 The War Room Session
33:45 Qualifying Questions for Investment
35:00 DM Strategy and Lead Generation
36:05 The Perfect Messenger Framework
37:35 Coaching Calls and Community
39:36 Building a Limitless Business
41:25 Coaching Program Structure
42:30 Prospecting Methods
48:18 Compensation for Coaches
51:22 Facebook Group vs. Slack Community
54:39 Core Prospecting Method
57:17 Teaching Different Prospecting Methods
59:05 Building a World-Class Restaurant Analogy
01:00:14 Fulfillment and DashClicks
01:00:41 Best Way to Reach Franco Urbaez

Podcast created by DashClicks.

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