Roger Yelvington - Agency Owner to Software Founder

Behind The Revenue

Apr 9 2024 • 51 mins


Chad Kodary interviews Roger Yelvington, the founder of ad launch, a software company. Roger shares his entrepreneurial journey, from owning brick-and-mortar gyms to transitioning into the digital agency space. He discusses the challenges and opportunities he encountered along the way, including his experience with Alex Hermosy's gym launch secrets. Roger then explains the inspiration behind ad launch and its focus on providing a simple and effective platform for agencies to run ads. He also discusses his plans for the future, including potential funding and product development. In this conversation, Chad Kodary interviews Roger Yelvington about his software company, AdLaunch. They discuss the importance of focusing on capturing leads and converting them, as well as the value of specialization and solving specific problems. They also talk about AdLaunch's plans to expand to Google integration and their use of sprint cycles and story points for development. Roger shares insights on managing large tickets and iterations, and expresses his excitement for new features and releases. They discuss the importance of serving agencies and providing solutions, and the need to listen and iterate to meet the audience's needs. The conversation ends with Roger sharing his contact information for those interested in learning more about AdLaunch.


  • Roger Yelvington transitioned from owning brick-and-mortar gyms to the digital agency space before founding ad launch.
  • Ad launch aims to provide a simple and effective platform for agencies to run ads, with a focus on local businesses.
  • Roger plans to continue refining ad launch based on user feedback and is considering funding to accelerate growth.
  • The key to success in the agency space is not just sales, but also retention and providing a valuable service to clients. Focus on capturing leads and converting them to sales.
  • Specialize in solving specific problems rather than trying to do everything.
  • Use sprint cycles and story points for efficient development.
  • Manage large tickets and iterate on the roadmap.
  • Stay excited about new features and releases.
  • Serve agencies by providing solutions that meet their specific needs.
  • Listen to the audience and iterate to improve the software.
  • Contact Roger Yelvington on Facebook for more information about AdLaunch.


00:00 Introduction and Background
03:00 Transition to Digital Agency
08:00 Transition to Software Development
17:00 Beta Launch of AdLaunch
25:00 Considerations for Funding
32:00 Future Plans and Roadmap
35:50 Focus on Capturing Leads and Converting Them
38:18 Specialization and Solving Specific Problems
40:08 Expanding to Google Integration
41:21 Sprint Cycles and Story Points
42:24 Managing Large Tickets and Iterations
43:41 Excitement for New Features and Releases
45:28 Serving Agencies and Providing Solutions
46:27 Listening and Iterating to Serve the Audience
49:05 Inspiration and Contact Information

Podcast created by DashClicks.

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