Ross Christifulli - The Future of AI

Behind The Revenue

Feb 20 2024 • 46 mins


Ross Christifulli discusses his company Consolidata and the role of funnels in marketing strategies. He shares insights on building a successful software company and the importance of creating offers and iterating. The conversation also touches on the trends in the funnel game and the impact of personal controversies. Finally, Ross discusses the future of AI and its potential impact on the market. In this conversation, Chad Kodary and Ross Christifulli discuss various topics related to AI-generated videos, product market fit, platform improvements, and scaling white label fulfillment. They also touch on the importance of UI and the potential of opening up the API to developers. Overall, the conversation highlights the ongoing development and growth of DashClicks as a platform.


  • Building a successful software company requires finding product-market fit and creating offers that resonate with customers.
  • Iterating on offers and continuously improving the product is essential for growth and success.
  • Trends in the funnel game are constantly evolving, and it's important to stay updated and adapt to new technologies and strategies.
  • Personal controversies can have an impact on a company's reputation and customer perception.
  • The future of AI holds great potential, but it's important to consider the limitations and ensure that AI technologies are used ethically and effectively. - AI-generated videos have the potential to be a powerful marketing tool, but they are still in the early stages of development.
  • DashClicks is shifting its focus from offer market fit to product market fit, prioritizing platform improvements and key features.
  • The company aims to go deeper into the features they have already built, rather than expanding with subpar offerings.
  • DashClicks is also scaling its white label fulfillment services and considering opening up its API to developers.


00:00 - Introduction and Background
01:37 - Overview of Consolidata
03:26 - Roles in the Company
05:12 - Factors for Success in Building a Software Company
08:45 - Creating Offers and Iterating
11:18 - Lessons from ClickFunnels and Funnel Building
16:36 - Trends in the Funnel Game
23:34 - The Impact of Personal Controversies
28:04 - The Future of AI and Trends
39:46 - Creating AI-generated Videos
41:15 - Shift from Offer Market Fit to Product Market Fit
42:33 - Improving the Platform
43:54 - Focusing on Key Features
44:05 - Scaling White Label Fulfillment
45:15 - Opening API to Developers
46:18 - The Importance of UI
47:01 - Conclusion

Podcast created by DashClicks.

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