Barbara Tsui - Montessori Slow Disruption

The Education Innovators Podcast

Apr 2 2024 • 1 hr 1 min

Barbara Tsui is a mother of two boys, aged 11 and 16. She studied many different ways to raise her children before the first boy was born, but most of the ways didn't work as planned, so she thought she was a mother who failed, until she found the Montessori teaching and learning approach.  She enrolled her children and then she pursued Montessori teacher training and practicum in Beijing and Singapore beginning 2009. She founded Rainbow Tree Children Education in 2016, which has provided parent workshops to over 500 parents and they offer playgroups to 0-6 years old children. Barbara has also conducted teacher training for kindergartens in HK and assisted in teacher training in China. She believes that when we nurture children with love, respect and trust, the children will blossom beyond adults' expectations.


  • AMS 0-3 Infant and Toddler teacher credential
  • CMI 3-6 Early Childhood teacher credential
  • Pikler Institute certificates: “Respectful Care and the Relationship with Adult”, “The Autonomous Play Activities”, “Free Motor Movement”, “In Peace with Oneself – In peace with Others, the beginning of social learning”
  • Non-violent Communication and mindfulness trainer.

In this episode we take a close look at the Montessori principles and how their use in schools has slowly expanded over the past nearly 100 years. An education disruption happening in slow motion. Does an idea have to be new to be innovative? I think that when we look at an old idea in a new context or with new perspective it can be very innovative.

The Education Innovators Podcast is a weekly conversation between Eric Byron and guests from all aspects of education around the world. We look for innovative ideas and practical examples of things happening in schools and learning environments that are of interest to teachers, corporate trainers, school administrators, EdTech providers, students, parents, and anyone else interested in education.


Rainbow Tree Children Education

AMI – Association Montessori Internationale

Jeff Bezos philanthropic support for new Montessori schools

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This podcast is produced entirely by Eric Byron.

You can contact Eric at