Clayton Whittle - A Call to Action

The Education Innovators Podcast

Dec 17 2023 • 55 mins

Clayton Whittle holds a Ph.D. in Learning Design from Penn State University, demonstrating a deep understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of learning. His research has a particular emphasis on serious games design and interactive learning for persuasive messaging. He is committed to environmental education, climate action, and outdoor learning. His passion is not just a personal interest but a driving force in shaping educational strategies for a sustainable future.

Clayton has 10 years in classroom teaching experiences supplemented with invaluable time as a learning design consultant. His interest in games and learning began with exploring games as ethical analysis devices in 2010. He continued his work at Dankook University, where he designed and developed DELRE, a digital role-playing game that replaced the textbook for introductory language classes.

The Education Innovators Podcast is a weekly conversation between Eric Byron and guests from all aspects of education around the world. We look for innovative ideas and practical examples of things happening in schools and learning environments that are of interest to teachers, corporate trainers, school administrators, EdTech providers, students, parents, and anyone else interested in education.


Clayton Whittle

“Empowering Voices with Gamified Climate Action”

Valheim Early Access Launch Trailer

What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning and Literacy by James Paul Gee

Sasha Barab – Transformational Play

Video Games and Learning: Teaching and Participatory Culture in the Digital Age by Kurt Squire

Imagine Earth – Game by Serious Bros

“Manifest” by Andrew Bird

International Game Developers Association – Climate - Special Interest Group

The Education Innovators Podcast Facebook page:

This podcast is produced entirely by Eric Byron.

You can contact Eric at