FACING OUR DEMONS: A Multidimensional Mentoring Story

Street Poets Podcast

Jun 8 2021 • 46 mins

"Love takes off the masks that you know you cannot live within and fear you cannot live without." -James Baldwin
Some relationships not only inspire change, they demand it.  When 14-year-old Street Poet Jason Quezada and 34-year-old poetry teacher Chris Henrikson first met in a Los Angeles County Probation camp for boys, neither had any idea how radically each would alter the other's life, while opening pathways to healing for future generations of Street Poets.
This unforgettable episode dives deep into the kind of healing that happens in our creative community beyond the page and the stage, into the roots that connect us all to the natural world, to the earth, and to our ancestors.  "Facing our Demons" illuminates some of the deepest shadows of our American culture where metaphor and mystery meet to spark the night wide. "So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing." - T.S. Eliot

"FACING OUR DEMONS: A Multidimensional Mentoring Story"
is a production of Street Poets Inc. (streetpoetsinc.com)
• Hosted by Art Quiros
• Produced by Chris Henrikson
• Edited by Art Quiros
• Sound Design & Original Music by Art Quiros
• Original Music & Mix by Jake Falby
• Additional Voice: Kaylyn Wright
• Street Poets "I Got Love" Podcast Theme Music features:
Vocals by Taylor Code & BRIA, Music by Dave Wittman
• Special Thanks: New Math, Mosaic Multicultural Foundation
Duncan Allard, Mimi Fuenzalida
This episode includes the following original poems:
"Inside Me" and "16" by Jason Quezada
"From the Fire" (excerpt) by Chris Henrikson
(To hear more original poetry & music from our recording studio archives, visit Street Poets Inc. on SoundCloud and Bandcamp.)

For more information about our youth outreach programs in the streets, schools and probation facilities of Los Angeles and beyond: streetpoetsinc.com