Season 1, Episode 2: Coronavirus & Comp Ed: Ensuring Our Children with Disabilities Are Receiving a FAPE

Let's Talk Sped Law

Mar 16 2020 • 11 mins

As we all come to grips with the new temporary norms across our country due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that we understand and fully appreciate the impact this outbreak is having on special education and related services to our students with disabilities and their families. It is absolutely essential that families make informed decisions about the educational wellbeing of their children with disabilities by consulting with their local education agency. It is also equally important that families know their child’s rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) during this crisis situation, including their potential rights to compensatory education (“comp ed”).

What is Compensatory Education?
Is Your School District Closed, Open or Available for E-Learning?
How is Compensatory Education Calculated?