What The Plants Did

Lundy’s Work Podcast

May 13 2024 • 19 mins

Welcome to the 14th episode of the Lundy Work podcast. In this episode, I want to share an unusual and surprisingly enlightening experience with you. It revolves around a simple yet profound realization I had thanks to four unassuming plants: asparagus, artichokes, strawberries, and blueberries.

This revelation came about in the most ordinary of ways, in my own backyard where I spend time almost every day. Over time, I started to sense that the clear-cut distinctions we draw between our work and our personal lives are not as firm as they seem. This became all the more apparent as I got closer to nature, tending to my garden, observing and interacting with these four plants.

The asparagus growing in the corner of my yard fought through layers of soil, cardboard, and gravel to just exist. The artichokes we planted from seed were demanding to be released into the vastness of the open land. Our strawberry patch almost met disaster when our 11-month-old puppy nearly stomped the still-fragile plants. And then there were the blueberries, that voiced their need for space and air.

I found these experiences not just a calm break from the daily grind, but they brought some profound insights as well. The slow, patient journey of asparagus reminded me of the importance of perseverance. The artichokes taught me about the struggles of adaptation and handling stress. The strawberries demonstrated resilience against adversity. While the blueberries nudged me to explore the limitless potential of intuitive wisdom.

Despite their unassuming nature, the plants taught me more than I could have imagined. They became the teachers that showed me the deeper interconnectedness of life and work, enlightening me about resilience, adaptation, and intuition. Above all, they assured me that you can always trust plants will tell you the truth.

In this simple episode, expect to find some unexpected wisdom and perhaps a fresh perspective on life. So tune in, join in this journey, and let's see what potent lessons the humble plants in our backyard have to offer.