Welcome to the Resistance

Lundy’s Work Podcast

Feb 26 2024 • 20 mins

Welcome to the sixth episode of our podcast series, hosted by Lundy. In this episode, titled "Welcome to the Resistance," Lundy shares three personal stories that illustrate the vital importance of supporting marginalized groups. They emphasize the transformative impact of small, everyday acts of resistance that highlight solidarity and challenge traditional narratives.

Lundy begins with a poignant tale about their doctor partner, who wears a sticker saying "protect trans youth" on her hospital name tag. They convey what they felt upon discovering this small but powerful statement, and stress the impact this simple act can have on a young patient’s life.

The second story features his co-worker, Phil, who chose to wear a 'protect trans lives' hat to work every day. Phil's act of resistance, especially in an otherwise conventional setting, is as a remarkable act of defiance and support.

In the final story, Lundy shares their interaction with a medical assistant who asked for their preferred name and pronouns. This interaction, they explain, was a refreshing and humanizing experience in a medical context that often overlooks or ignores the distinction between natal sex and gender.

Throughout the episode, Lundy shines a spotlight on the importance of overt advocacy for marginalized groups, particularly trans individuals today. They argue that the silence of corporate America in standing in solidarity with transgender communities is deafening, and they challenge listeners to participate in shifting the narrative and shattering biases by demonstrating visible and consistent support for the marginalized. This act can transform local communities and have a profound impact in the broader perspective.

Listen to these compelling stories and join us in welcoming the resistance. Let's work together towards a future marked by understanding, love, and equality.