Looking For The Green Light

Lundy’s Work Podcast

Apr 24 2024 • 24 mins

The narrative takes a philosophical turn as the artist explores the symbolism of green lights - a metaphor for progress, approval, and relief. This shared experience resonates with anyone who's given their all yet encountered roadblocks in life. It's a unique look into the artist's mindset that invigorates the traditional definitions of success, reminding us that sometimes, a halted journey is just the beginning of a new path.

Accompany us as we traverse the artist's path, from frustrations to unexpected delights. The artist's adept maneuvering of clay slabs and unconventional approaches validate the beauty hidden in imperfections. This episode encourages embracing unpredictability in life and creativity, prompting a refreshing perspective that sees red lights as potential green.

Wrapping up, the artist reflects on their entrepreneurial journey over a decade. This dialogue beckons listeners to come to terms with their own uncertainties and insecurities, encouraging them to lean into the green light, even in the face of red. Join us in this immersive episode that promises more than just a trip into the world of pottery but a relatable recount of life's versatile and unexpected challenges.