Time is a Spiral

Lundy’s Work Podcast

Feb 19 2024 • 31 mins

Welcome to Episode 5 of the Lundy Work Podcast, where we journey into the complex relationship between life, work and the concept of time forming a spiral that influences our day-to-day lives. In this episode, we expand on preceding discussions about the importance of living beyond just the pursuit of production.

Experience a slice of my personal life, from a tranquil coffee morning with my partner, Maria, grappling with moldy seeds, to handling the unpredictable energy with my day. Here, you become part of my reality - witnessing firsthand the joyous, surprising and testing aspects of living the spiral of time daily.

Enhancing this exploration of time are references to mysticism and theoretical physics, providing deeper insights into the intriguing nuances of time. Did you know that time moves at varying velocities, on an airplane versus sea level, or for your head compared to your feet?

This episode also permits a heartening reflection on time's purpose in our lives, how it guides our decision-making processes and equips us to face life's unexpected waves. It culminates in an introspective moment during an MRI, where amidst the noise and chaos, I discover my own rhythm, managing my time flow and turning an ordinary Monday into an extraordinary experience.

This episode is a testament to the versatility and charm of time; a gentle reminder that we can all learn to sync and move gracefully with its whimsical rhythm. Colored with stories of unexpected turns, surfing competitions, and ingenious ideation, this episode underscores the beauty of embracing life's tempo.

With everything from contemplating affordable housing for therapists, to cheering on my favorite surfers, and recovering from imbalances induced by relentless work schedules, this episode offers a rich tapestry of experiences and insights.

The message at the heart of this episode is one of acceptance - dissolving the societal stereotype of work as 'bad' and leisure as 'good.' It illustrates how infusing work with intent and purpose can bring about balance, fulfillment and open avenues for growth.

Welcome to a riveting journey into acknowledging the uncontrollable, learning to navigate life's tides, and embracing the evolving rhythm of time.