The Grand Tales of Rusted Screws and Plastic Ties

Lundy’s Work Podcast

May 6 2024 • 22 mins

In the 13th episode of the Lundy Podcast, we explore how stories and narratives shape our worldviews and interactions, both in personal and professional spaces. We also discuss the role of trust in shaping our beliefs and actions. It is interesting to note that the spread of narratives and the movement of viruses are correlated. The stories we hear and bits of context we receive can often shape our attitudes and actions in ways we may not be conscious of.

In the final week of our transgender fundraising campaign at Khesed Wellness, our goal is to provide free therapy to transgender communities. Every little bit helps, and supporting marginalized communities is central to our joint role in moving the world forward. Donate to Khesed's Trans Fund today to provide free therapy to transgender communities.

Join us in this introspective and enlightening discussion on the influence of narratives and the role of trust in our journey towards a new human evolution. Acknowledging and exploring our relationship with trust helps us engage in actions that push society forward. The relationship between trust and the stories we tell is particularly evident in work contexts, where changes and decisions often lead to the creation of differing narratives based on employees' experiences and perspectives.

We also dive into the implications of the stories within media outlets and news feeds. These narratives have the power to shape our perceptions and actions towards various world events. The role of applause and popular opinion in shaping our actions is also explored, with an emphasis on how participation in moving humanity forward needs to be our prime focus, rather than applause.