Forecasting the Future: Navigating Business and Politics

Lundy’s Work Podcast

Feb 5 2024 • 21 mins

Welcome to the third episode of Lundy's Podcast where our host, the CEO of multiple companies, takes a deep dive into discussing their experiences in business, politics, and personal life from the perspective of an entrepreneur who's been in the game for a decade.

Reflecting on the past, Lundy also shares their perspective on the future, providing a profound forecast on the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election and its potential impact on the world and our personal lives.

In this episode, Lundy shares their unique insights on the year-end, their experience running their first company, and their approach to business growth.

They upend traditional business models by prioritizing health within the company rather than profit, from the individual to the collective. Here, our host encourages listeners to consider a different approach to capitalism; one that values the health of employees and the environment.

Lundy discusses their expectation of the upcoming U.S. Presidential Election and invites fellow Americans to anticipate the result's repercussions on the horizon line of our society. Drawing on their surf lessons with their father to learning the ropes as the CEO of several companies, they tie their insights on anticipating the future into the context of work and business.

We delve into Lundy's untold journey as a queer and transgender person, discussing the difficulties of authenticity versus societal expectations. Touching on topics of perfectionism, self-acceptance, and overcoming the fears of expression, Lundy breaks the ice, addressing the internal struggles many creators face and providing an empathetic perspective.

As we progress into the U.S. presidential election year, our host dives deeper into its potential outcomes, specifically if Trump gets re-elected. Sharing their unique approach to this news, rather than reject or ignore, Lundy invites listeners to introspect about how they'd want to show up in their workspace and daily lives; a preparation tactic borrowed from their surfing lessons carried into their entrepreneurial journey.

In wrapping up the discussion, Lundy hopes this episode enables listeners to face their own realities, eliciting a dialogue around personal growth and societal change. So join us as we delve deeper into business, politics, personal journeys, and forecasting the future in this captivating episode of Lundy's Work Podcast.