
Joshua Blatman

Survivors2Thrivers podcast is a safe place to discuss and discover new or unique technologies that improve healing and recovery outcomes for the mind, body, and spirit... to achieve "Wholeness at Your Highest Level." Some episodes present tools and techniques for healing and transforming trauma, including discussions with experts and survivors themselves. Other episodes discuss astrology and employ special astrological techniques to uncover meaning, direction, and purpose; understandings, that interest the podcast host. Support this podcast: read less
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New Moon Jan 2, 2022 to Full Moon Jan 17, 2022 - Astrology Growth and Change
Jan 2 2022
New Moon Jan 2, 2022 to Full Moon Jan 17, 2022 - Astrology Growth and Change
This episode is about the growth and change in the astrology charts from the new moon on January 2, 2022 to the full moon on January 17, 2022. Changes:Full moon on Dec 18, 2021, to full moon on Jan 17, 2022 — illuminating next steps, how far we’ve come, and how much farther we have to go(both in our personal missions, and individual/national missions).Jupiter - continuing to restructure our thoughts and (Venus) relationship to power.Mars has moved through a Waning Square to Neptune. New meaning for our personal role and direction related to gross cultural/social shiftsSun transiting Pluto during this lunar phase — Huge for revealing new beginnings, both at the personal level and the national/individual level , of how we’re transforming our relationship to power and achievement. Mercury — going through the first 10° of Aquarius, illuminated in retrograde — recreates our sense of contribution.Axis of full moon — 28th degree of Cancer and 28th degree of Capricorn — emphasizes illumination of the power of decision, inner rebirth, and a return to nature… a deepening relationship to our own nature.Pluto moves almost an entire half a degree during these two weeks… emphasizing cultural shifts… while also being passed by the Sun, and the continued separation through retrograde motion of Venus… emphasizing culture shifts, and a RE-EXAMINATION  of the power dynamic. Lunar Nodes — growing beyond feigned innocence, opening up the possibility to integrate new dimensions of reality that support new harmonious relationships with nature.  --- Support this podcast:
Survivors2Thrivers - My Story
Dec 14 2020
Survivors2Thrivers - My Story
Cranial Sacral massage, while I was in the ICU, helped wake me up from the coma, but I had PTSD that was not diagnosed for 15 years, becoming Complex PTSD, which gets exacerbated by TBI. This podcast is a shallow deep dive into my story, only sharing what's relevant to another person's recovery. Here are a few links with more information to provide direction for survivors and their families to discover healing modalities that are outside of the western medicine domain. At the end, I also briefly discuss that modern scientific astrology has been immensely helpful for me in finding my center after years of disorientation. Just in summary:1) Cranial sacral massage - 2) Brainwave biofeedback - Neuroptimal – - Types of biofeedback programs 3) Yoga and kundalini yoga - Kundalini Kriyas – 4) Interactive metronome - What is Interactive Metronome – 5) EFT (Brad Yates YouTube videos) - Brad Yates interview is #2 on - 6) Diet & Nutrition - There are many options for diet and nutrition. In addition to organic foods, what has worked for me is a low inflammation diet, which you can read about in a book by Kathy Abascal called, “The Abascal Way”. –  --- Support this podcast:
"Learning to Ride a Bike on the Highway During Rush Hour" - New Moon Astrology - November, 14, 2020
Nov 16 2020
"Learning to Ride a Bike on the Highway During Rush Hour" - New Moon Astrology - November, 14, 2020
Astrology Chart Theme: “Learning to Ride a Bike on a highway during Rush Hour”I’m going to tell you about 3 main things in our episode today:1. The Sun/Moon conjunction and the inner planets (Mercury and Venus)2. The historic conjunctions in Capricorn with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto3. Mars emerging out of retrograde New Moon Sign: 24° Scorpio -- (SCORPIO 24°): AFTER HAVING HEARD AN INSPIRED INDIVIDUAL DELIVER HIS "SERMON ON THE MOUNT," CROWDS ARE RETURNING HOME. KEYNOTE: The need to incorporate inspiring experiences and teachings into everyday living.Challenge to Transformation Concentrating intensity into what we can move forward with by discovering techniques/methods/systems to assimilate everything going on in the world.How do we make this work?  How do we survive, function, and thrive while honoring American idealism?We don’t have to be domineering or aggressive.Venus: [[Libra 23°]] Appreciate demonstrations of American ideals.People expressing their rights. Don’t get consumed by worry.Mercury: [[Scorpio 6°]] Manage your eagerness.How can we as Americans generate consensus values for living into this new technological age? Ideals and ethics that lift us up without holding us back?  JupiterJust this last week Jupiter passed Pluto. In relationship to Pluto… Instead of listening to doom and gloom emotional hijackers who take your creative power for their own, tune into personal balance and reclaim personal sovereignty in our own minds by listening critically to especially sensitive and intellectually gifted individuals who can give significance, form, and meaning to the most characteristic situations and interpersonal relationships of our society and culture.We each need to fulfill our individual responsibilities to our culture.  We can shape the world with our vibration. We can shape our culture by committing ourselves to spiritual laws present in all faiths… not one religion or another has access to truth; all spiritual paths climb the same mountain. Collectively we’re learning to trust spiritual values… that joy and harmony are always present in us by the light of our soul realities. Houses 7-9, Retrograde planets and Mars…Individually, we’re not going to back to what many of us have been afraid of, but we have individual opportunities for personal activity in transcendent directions by using our individual power to create collective solutions. Embrace holistic, nonrational, and intuitive activities. Learning to act from awakening inner wisdom over oppressing outer authority. “Becoming like a little child” instead of rehashing old habits.“Stay in your lane”. Don’t dilute yourself with all the places there are needs. Theme: “Learning to Ride a Bike on a highway during Rush Hour”Stay in your lane and don’t give up!If you quit, you’ll never learn to ride, and it’ll be a great personal regret. Unconscious of drivers’ concerns.  Discover and Rediscover Inner Stability.Don’t get divided by power struggles. Instead, use energy of division to discover and rediscover how you relate to your relatedness. How you feel.  --- Support this podcast: