Threshold: Part 1: Diving In

Quest for Presence: Re-Imagine Time for Well-Being

Aug 25 2023 • 33 mins


Note. You will get the most from this episode if you download the free e-book “The Connoisseur of Time”, complete the “Listening” self-assessment, and read “The Threshold” chapter. It takes 5 to 10 minutes.


I love being in community with time weavers, because I always learn from them. In this episode I learned the difference between being a private (to oneself) ‘connoisseur’ and someone who gives praise and gratitude in a spontaneous and authentic way. It is not only that we enjoy life but that we also – actually have to – share our gratitude, awe, and love with others.

This episode dives in to those experiences where we know we are fully immersed—fully present—to life as it is happening. The experience of gratitude is often central to diving in. We move from the immediate moment of the past right into the immediate moment of the future. We are so grateful that in that moment there is “no mind” – just fully present to feelings.

We leap off the threshold.


We follow the chapter “The Threshold” from the book, which states:

Your presence grows to the degree that you live wholeheartedly in the gap between where you are now and what you want.

Ronnie shares about an experience where he lives in a wholehearted way and so experiences gratitude for just being alive. Kristie shares about how much we get energy and come alive by appreciating. She says:

Energy comes from appreciation of the moment of now.

Art reflects on a quote from CS Lewis and that we can live in amazement and wonder. Human beings are made to praise, which is a revelation of an inner health that is made visible or audible to others.

Right praise is inner health made visible or audible. (CS Lewis) – full quote is below…

Other key quotes from this episode include:

When you are present, everything happens that needs to happen in order to make that thing to happen.

We cannot think our way into presence. We can only feel our way into presence.

We cannot enter the new room with our old self.


Some terms and references in this episode include the following

#Liminal means somewhere in between the “no longer” and “not yet;” According to the dictionary: occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold. "I was in the liminal space between past and present.” And relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. "that liminal period when a child is old enough to begin following basic rules but is still too young to do so consistently." See also Liminality

#Bodhicitta as I reference in the discussion refers to absolute bodhicitta, which generally means an empty state of mind but one that is integrally tied to compassion and the desire to end suffering. The experience of gratitude and “loving on others” may spontaneously generate bodhicitta.

I also mention the work of Dacher Keltner and his new book “Awe”

Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life