Re-envisioning Presence: Intentionally, Together

Quest for Presence: Re-Imagine Time for Well-Being

May 19 2023 • 22 mins

This episode is a direct follow-up to the previous episode Seeker, Practitioner, Scholar and is associated with pages 13 to 17 in The Connoisseur of Time (free download here).

You can be present amongst life’s happenings – while they are happening.

In the midst of life.  With others. Through others.

This need not happen while sitting on a meditation cushion.

A core message of this episode is that we can find and cultivate presence together. Being together sits in the place between the micro (personal journey) and the macro (humanity’s journey).

This “coming together in presence” means anyone can join (seeker, practitioner, scholar) and it can happen either because we are pushed from some crisis, chaotic event, shock, or wake-up call. Alternately, it can happen intentionally—by meeting together and creating a (sacred) space for sharing. The Quest for Presence tools are designed for this purpose.

Key ideas discussed for contemplation include the following:

At the global level, some think that humanity needs a periodic “shock” or wake-up call; this, in order to stop, pause, and listen in ways that will renew and mature our evolution as a species.

Art believes that individuals can do their own “pause work” but struggles with the idea if humanity (or some critical mass) can do pause work. This community, tribal, or mass effort to stop and reflect for humanity is seen in doomsday cults, reactions to the coronavirus, climate change, and calls for sustainability. It is a struggle to think about presence on the macro level.

At the individual level, the decision to be a connoisseur of time—as a seeker, practitioner, or scholar—is related to asking these questions:

·       What really matters?

·       What matters enough to you that you know you have to be present?

·       What is your desire?

The episode revolves around and hinges upon a key insight shared by Kristi and Ronnie.

When all is said and done, we can be together and share insight into the preciousness of life and the rare time that we have with each other. This is it! As Kristie’s grandmother told her:

“The dishes are always going to be there but your kids aren’t”

Ideas and references in this episode of interest include The Fourth Way, and approaches for creating a pause at the global level. For example, see The Council on the Uncertain Human Future. #together #shock #fourthway #micromacro