Ep. 29 Searching Deep Within My Soul: a very personal journey

Spiritual Woo

Jan 29 2024 • 39 mins

With this episode, there comes a 'Activation Disclaimer', and I'm using these words instead of trigger warning. Sometimes when we see the words 'trigger warning,' or  when we hear the words 'trigger warning,' I don't know about you, but something in my body just triggers everything up and I freeze and I'm like, ah, what am I going to see? What am I going to hear?

Instead... This comes with an 'Activation Disclaimer', basically meaning that this may or may not activate feelings, sensations, thoughts, emotions, within. And it is we are going to talk about my journey, my past journey with suicidal ideation.
Ooh, I know, I know, very, very, um, a very, very kind of hard thing to talk about, but I'm in a great place to talk and share.
So. if you feel like this is too activating for you, you can skip ahead to something different. And if you want to listen, I'm going to try my hardest to be as mindful and as sensitive to the topic.
However, this is me sharing from my POV. My perspective and my journey. So if you're ready to listen, let's go.

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