The key to excellent customer service | Sucheet Amin

Game Changers Podcast by Synextra

Mar 26 2024 • 1 hr 10 mins

Sucheet Amin, solicitor turned tech entrepreneur, sent waves through the legal space with the development of his mobile application, inCase™. Working as a solicitor in the legal sector, Such observed the breakdown of communication between clients and legal professionals first hand, often caused from a long winded paper trail. Isolating the problem spanning far and wide in the legal sector, Such saw the need for a change…and inCase™ was born.
Such has changed the game when it comes to the legal sector, developing a higher understanding of what customer service excellence truly means, and how it may be the very thing holding back your business from truly thriving.
Embracing technological developments, truly putting the customer experience first, a thirst for innovation, and the determination to get the job done, Such sits down with Chris Piggott to share his cocktail to success.

#entrepreneur #solicitor #customerservice

0:00 Introduction
2:19 Who is Sucheet Amin?
3:18 The draw of the legal sector
8:00 The journey to qualified solicitor and how it’s changing
10:10 What is a Game Changer?
12:25 Challenging the status quo
17:37 The origin of a game changing idea
22:15 What is inCase and how has it revolutionised law firms?
34:47 Bleeding-edge development based on customer requirement
37:49 The ups and downs of inCase's growth journey: Navigating the challenges of innovation in a competitive market
46:20 The numbers: Defining success
49:38 The importance of celebrating the small wins and focusing on the journey, not the destination
55:43 Technology in law: Increasing productivity or taking people’s jobs?
1:08:11 Is it possible to ensure and maintain a human element, and personal connections between lawyers and clients with accelerated technological advancements?

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