Person Player Professional

Alycia Carrillo

Person Player Professional is about recognizing that you are a person first, and a player and/or professional second. We are here to address mental health/wellness in the world of athletics--and beyond--from both athlete and staff perspective through story telling and expert interviews. The objective is to create a safe space for open dialogue and full transparency, as well as challenge the systems that drive work/sport to become one's identity. read less
Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness
Mental HealthMental Health


Chelsea & Lana Linge on Going Beyond Weight Loss
Feb 27 2023
Chelsea & Lana Linge on Going Beyond Weight Loss
Hey guys! This week Chelsea and Lana Linge of Lifestyle with The Linges join me to talk about their new program, "Going Beyond Weight Loss." We also dive into our personal journeys with fitness and health. This conversation is real, authentic, and informative. A little bit more on Chelsea & Lana's background and philosophy below: **We’re Chelsea and Lana Linge, two sisters in the Pacific Northwest with over a combined decade of experience in fitness.We're certified nutrition coaches and personal trainers, and our mission is to teach women the scientific way to meet their goals.The funny thing about nutrition is that no one teaches us how to eat.We're annoyed that all we were taught as kids was the food pyramid, and however our family ate.(Whether or not our family ate in a healthy way!)As we grow up, we are fed so much misinformation by the media that it’s no wonder that we’re confused.Walk into any grocery store and you’ll find a magazine at the checkout counter with claims like, lose 30 pounds in 30 days!One year we’re told that carbs are bad, the next year, it’s fats that we should be avoiding.The common theme across all fad diets is that women need to starve ourselves, cutting out all of the foods we love.We built our course, Going Beyond Weight Loss, to teach women how to fuel their bodies to feel energized throughout their day.We'll empower you to hit your goals, all while having the flexibility to still enjoy the food that brings you joy.You can find us at and on LinkedIn (Chelsea Linge), Instagram (@lifestylewiththelinges), and TikTok (@lanalifts). **Thanks for listening! Contact me at or IG: 3P_Pod