Episode 1: Pitfalls To Watch For With Custom Business Software Development

The Custom Business Software Show With Qubisoft

Jan 10 2023 • 29 mins

In this episode you’ll hear our thoughts on:

  • Inquiries about software
  • Advertisements for off-the-shelf software
  • Custom software fitting specific needs
  • Requirements gathering and design process for building software
  • Quoting workshop to provide cost and timeframe estimates
  • Development, testing, alteration, deployment, and documentation time
  • Cost of time and number of people involved in a software project
  • Profit margin and expenses for licensing and tools
  • Prototyping and research for unique software projects
  • Error handling and catering to various use cases
  • Retry mechanisms for failed data input
  • User experience and satisfaction with the software
  • Ongoing maintenance and updates for software
  • Outsourcing software development to companies using older technologies and languages
  • Difficulty in finding developers to maintain older technology
  • Lack of protection under Australian Consumer Law when outsourcing
  • Overseas companies posing as Australian companies
  • Lack of access to source code and accounts when using overseas development companies
  • Extra cost to rebuild and reverse engineer documentation when using overseas development companies
  • Importance of clients having access to accounts, source code, and documentation for software development projects
  • Use of Agile and Scrum methodologies and Kanban boards in software development projects
  • Factors that can impact the cost of a software development project, including the length of the project, number of developers, and profit margin of the development company
  • The importance of ongoing maintenance and updates for software
  • Use of on-demand technical roles such as project managers, CTOs, and team leads
  • Higher wage costs for in-house senior developers compared to using on-demand support
  • Lack of support for software developed by other companies
  • Ability to maintain and support existing software without having developed it
  • Skills needed to work with unfamiliar code and software
  • Ad hoc problem-solving and lack of fixed procedures for supporting custom software
  • Ability to improve and document existing software, and build relationships with clients
  • And more!

So, listen here as we discuss these!

If you like what was on here and want more, go to https://www.qubisoft.com.au/