Time is All a Child Hears: How to Make Your Time Count with Your Child

The Coach's Corner

Apr 23 2024 • 50 mins

Our children are facing unprecedented challenges, and they need our support more than ever. As the U.S. Surgeon General aptly stated, these difficulties are uniquely complex and difficult to navigate. Despite our best intentions, many of us find ourselves unsure of how to help. There’s no simple solution, and the path forward is far from straightforward. But one thing is clear: it will require time and intentional effort to truly understand and connect with our children.

The Surgeon General reminds us that there’s no map for this journey. The road is winding, filled with unexpected twists and turns. As parents, educators, and caregivers, we grapple with questions: How do we bridge the gap? How do we guide our children through this intricate landscape? The answer lies in recognizing the value of time—the precious moments we spend getting to know our children.

Time is more than minutes ticking away on a clock. It’s an investment—an opportunity to build trust, understanding, and connection. When we truly know our children—their dreams, fears, and aspirations—we can better support them. But if we overlook the significance of time, the crisis will persist.

Join us on this podcast as we explore how to use this time effectively, so our children can truly hear us and find their way in this complex world.

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