No Guts…No Glory – The Courageous Art of Making the Right Risks

The Coach's Corner

Sep 26 2023 • 55 mins

Many people suffer from the pain of regret, which may be more intense than the pain of failure. Regret leaves us wondering what could have been, while failure gives us a clear answer. We can move on from failure, but not from regret. The ghost of regret haunts many of us as we march toward the end of our lives. It whispers to us: “If only you had more courage, if only you took some risks, things would be different now.” But we can’t change the past, we can only shape the future. And to do that, we need to have guts and take the right risks.

That’s what this podcast is about: No Guts No Glory – The Courageous Art of Making the Right Risks. We will explore the opportunities that we miss because of fear, and how we can build artful skills to overcome it. We will learn how to find the guts to pursue our purpose and achieve our goals. We will discover the glory of shining our light in this world. Join us as we talk about finding guts to experience glory in our lives.

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