Who Are you: Tips for Discovering Yourself with Jeff Harnois

The Coach's Corner

Nov 7 2023 • 56 mins

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Who am I?” Or has someone else asked you, “Who are you really?” Many people are pondering this question, and some are struggling to answer this fundamental question of their existence. It’s a question that begs the person asking, “Do I really understand myself?” Sometimes we do, but many times we don’t, and we need help to discover who we are.

Think about the opportunities lost, conflicts created, and relationships that fell apart all because we didn’t take the time to “know thyself.” This is crucial to being the best person we can be at home, on the job, or in the office. Yet we don’t take courses at school or get provided with a textbook of ourselves to help us with this lifetime subject.

In our next podcast, we’re going to explore how to better understand who we are. I have Jeff Harnois as our coach in this corner, who will be bringing his expertise to this topic and show us the tools out there for this discovery. Let’s check it out.

Jeff Harnois, CEO of iBridged is passionate about helping people and teams reach new heights in performance and relationships. With a focus on understanding “current state” using key diagnostics like MBTI and Everything DiSC , Jeff and his team gain deep and actionable insights for clients.  These insights often lead to significant improvements in communication, connection and confidence with both individuals and teams alike.

Clients enjoy improvements in executive level communications, executive presence, leadership development and team development with an emphasis on understanding their natural superpowers along with potential blind spots.  Clients repeatedly report higher levels of communication effectiveness coupled with deeper, more meaningful connections with colleagues, friends and family!

Jeff has enjoyed many rewarding and successful career opportunities from Fortune 50 companies to living the start-up experience, multiple times. Working with companies like: Apple, Inc., Hewlett Packard, AT&T, Microsoft and Bank of America have given Jeff a unique perspective that add rich experiences to share and leverage with clients.

Jeff is a graduate of the University of San Francisco’s School of Management, earning a Master of Science degree in Organizational Development. Additionally, Jeff is a certified practitioner of the Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team along with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Jeff loves to volunteer in his community as well. He is the former VP of Football Operations, Head Coach for PeeWee football and PeeWee cheer-leading for the Police Athletic League in Campbell, Ca. He also volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, Second Harvest Food Bank and serves as the former President of the Bay Area Alumni Association.

In his free time, Jeff enjoys trail and motocross riding on his Yamaha WR 450, weight training and golf. Jeff is at an expert level on Xbox…

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