Surviving the Rough Waters of Angry Company: Learning How to Navigate Conversations When Everyone Disagrees in 7 Steps

The Coach's Corner

Oct 24 2023 • 54 mins

In these polarizing times, corporate leaders, especially executives, are expected to navigate tough conversations where they must be truthful, integral, compassionate, and wise all at once. It’s not an easy tension, and leaders are showing how much coaching they need to balance the forces in this four-point shape. They must figure out how they can create a space of understanding where their staff may not all agree but can agree to disagree agreeably.

It is critical for leaders to create this space. It is also critical for leaders to have this skill. Otherwise, workplace incivility will take over workplace productivity. As a leader, you can learn how to create a space where courageous conversations can happen without being perceived as taking polarizing sides. Join me to know how in 7 key steps.

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