How Do You Work-Life?: Key Steps to Stopping the Burnout especially for the Holidays

The Coach's Corner

Dec 5 2023 • 49 mins

During the pandemic, we were forced to find a new normal on how to do life. Making our home our new office caused that shift. For the first time for many, work, and life blended together. Some enjoyed it and have kept it after the pandemic. Others have said no way and prefer to keep the two separate. Many in both groups are still struggling to find that sweet spot where they feel they have hold of their life and not being tossed to and fro by work and life.

As the holidays are now here, the pace of work-life will increase. We work faster to get to the holidays. And when we get to the holidays, we move faster to get to the end of the holidays. Finally, we need a holiday from the holidays before we get back to work. How do we pace ourselves? Is there an approach to stay grounded in the midst of our ever-increasing busy world? Is there a work-life approach?

Join me in this podcast to understand different work-life approaches. This podcast may be the thing you’re looking for to lower your blood pressure and increase your joy in your daily living especially during this stressful time of the holidays.

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