Jackson Dickert, Campfire Technology CMO

Marketing Trailblazers

May 11 2023 • 39 mins

Get Jeremy's book, Climb: The Risks and Rewards of Elevating Your Brand here: https://amzn.to/3Q7ASHq

Welcome to the base of the mountain. Your marketing summit awaits.Strap on your boots and prepare to hit the trail, but first, while we’re on the trail… wait, does that make sense?Something like that. Please remember, people, we’re good at marketing. Not so great at analogies. Metaphors? Whatever. Meet your trail guides, Jeremy LaDuke and Jess Tackett, as they sit around the campfire with their first guest, Jackson Dickert, the CMO of Campfire Technology.We totally didn’t plan that.Jackson shares his insights and experiences in the field, discussing what works and what doesn't when it comes to collaborating with influencers to achieve your goals. He also talks about how his company, Campfire Technology, has been able to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.Join Jeremy and Jess in this episode of Marketing Trailblazers as they discover the latest trends and strategies in influencer marketing, as well as a truly out-of-this-world concept that is sure to leave you inspired.Because, after all, like a hiker conquering a challenging terrain, marketing allows you to push yourself beyond your limits and discover the best version of yourself.So strap on your headphones and prepare to climb to the peak of marketing success with Marketing Trailblazers .Look at that, guess we’re good at marketing AND metaphors after all.