Barely Naked

Christina Beischl

Barely Naked is hosted by journalist, therapist and stress-management coach Christina Beischl. Barely Naked explores topics such as mental and physical health, healing, and well-being. You will meet inspiring individuals and hear their stories.

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Sleep Better, Manage Anxiety, Stress and Depression with Breathwork Coach Campbell Will
Jan 23 2023
Sleep Better, Manage Anxiety, Stress and Depression with Breathwork Coach Campbell Will
Are you breathing the right way? In this episode, Christina chats to Physiotherapist and Breathwork Educator Campbell Will about the power of breath, Hearth Math and the Wim Hof Method. They discuss common techniques popularized by Navy Seals, how breath is closely related to fitness and performance, and how it is a powerful tool to regulate emotions. Also, find out how optimizing your breath can help you improve all areas of your life, including reducing stress and anxiety levels, helping you sleep better, and alleviating feelings of depression.About Campbell Campbell Will is a registered Physiotherapist and Breathwork Educator and has combined his passion for the breath with his knowledge of anatomy and physiology to develop an education system that teaches people how to optimise their respiration, and how to use it as a tool for improved health and well-being. His journey has been one of passionate curiosity, exploring the wide range of breathwork practices and the underpinnings of human optimisation. He teaches not only the principles of optimal breathing, but also the therapeutic application of specific breathwork protocols.  Website: Instagram: @breathbodytherapyYoutbe: @breathbodytherapy2904Apps mentioned: to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlTikTok:
Drug Addiction, Life in Prison, Recovery and Mental Health in Men with Therapist David Ryan
Jan 9 2023
Drug Addiction, Life in Prison, Recovery and Mental Health in Men with Therapist David Ryan
Trigger Warning: This episode covers mature topics including suicide, addiction, trauma and crime. In this episode, Christina talks to therapist and life coach David Ryan about his own experience with drug addiction, childhood trauma and recovery. David opens up about life in prison, and shares the incredibly sad story around his failed suicide attempt in his prison cell. You will also hear about his time in rehab and how he turned his life around to help others struggling in similar ways. Christina and David then discuss his approach as a therapist and his amazing work around men's mental health.About David David Ryan is a  therapist and life coach and is also employed as a CQC registered manager of a 16-bed residential rehab, working with one of the biggest national charities in the UK. He and his team support people to overcome addiction and make the transition into recovery. Being a person in long term recovery, David spent 22 years of his life in active addiction, mainly to Heroin and Crack. He used crime to fund his addiction. He was arrested for his first offence at the tender age of 12. David celebrated 22 years clean and sober on October 4th 2022. He was last released from prison in October 2000.David’s remarkable story of how he has overcome addiction and life as a career criminal to turn his life around is truly remarkable. In the last 21 years, he has worked in drug, alcohol and criminal justice services and has worked also in various prisons.  David has featured in books on recovery, mental health and surviving suicide. He has been a keen advocate of men’s work throughout the last 20 years and he has been on a continuous journey of discovery around his own masculinity. David is the co-founder and an active member of abandofbrothers Manchester. Abandofbrothers is a national charity doing amazing work mentoring and supporting young men out of destructive patterns of behaviour and lifestyles such as gang life and criminal activity. Today David’s goal is to raise the profile of recovery from addiction and mental health and to help people improve their personal well-being, to breakdown stigma and to co-create a new narrative for recovery, desistance and the importance of trauma informed interventions and environments. davidryancoaching.comInstagram: @davidryancoachingLinkedIn: David RyanBook mentioned: How to do the work by Dr Nicole LePerlaHow to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlTikTok:
Burnout, Palm Therapy, Ernährung und der Weg zu sich selbst mit Coach Ulrike Alice Becker
Jan 2 2023
Burnout, Palm Therapy, Ernährung und der Weg zu sich selbst mit Coach Ulrike Alice Becker
German EpisodeIn dieser Folge von Barely Naked setzt sich Christina mit Burnout-Coach Ulrike Alice Becker zusammen, um über ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Burnout, ihre Herangehensweise und ganzheitlichen Ansatz zu sprechen. Ulrike erklärt auch, was Palm Therapy ist, wie diese zu einem schnellen Erfolg bei Stressmanagement führen kann und wie sie ihre Klienten als InnerChi- und Nutriton-Coach unterstützt.Über Ulrike Ulrike Alice Becker ist Coach und Expertin für ein stressfreieres und vor allem freudvolleres Leben. Klarheit ist für sie der Schlüssel zu mehr Freude und Leichtigkeit – sowohl beruflich als auch privat. Sie setzt dabei auf einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz für einen nachhaltigen Erfolg und vereint dabei EmotionsManagement, FokusMindset und KörperbewusstSein/-Intelligenz. Mittlerweile begleitet sie schon seit mehr als 5 Jahren Menschen im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum sowie in den USA dabei, dass sie ihr Leben wieder in vollen Zügen genießen können und eine neue Lebensqualität gewinnen. Davor hat sie 15 Jahre in einem der renommiertesten deutschen Automobilkonzerne als internationale Projekt- und Teamleiterin gearbeitet.Sie ist auch als Speakerin für die Themen „Herausforderungen gelassen meistern“ und Gastreferentin bei der Biogena Akademie zum Thema „angewandte Stress- und Burnoutprävention“ aktiv. Zurzeit arbeitet sie auch als Coautorin an einem Buch über die Palmtherapy mit, ihr Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf: "Burnout Prävention mit der Palmtherapy"."Webseite: ulrikealicebecker.comE-Mail: kontakt@ulrikealicebecker.comTerminbuchung für ein kostenfreies KennenlerngesprächLinkedIn: @ulrikealicebeckerHow to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlTikTok:
What is Sound Healing with Sound Activation Alchemist Saraswati Love (plus a 10-Minute Sound Healing Session)
Dec 12 2022
What is Sound Healing with Sound Activation Alchemist Saraswati Love (plus a 10-Minute Sound Healing Session)
Christina talks to San Diego-based Sound Healer, Mentor and Emotional Bodywork Therapist, Sara Love about what Sound Healing is, how it works and the science behind it. You will also hear about her approach to emotional bodywork therapy, and how she aims to help people with mental and physical misalignments to reach a place of happiness.  At the end of this episode (at the 57-minute mark) you will find a sound healing session to try out – details below. About SaraSaraswati Love is a Sound Activation Alchemist and Emotional Bodywork Therapist from San Diego, CA. Her experience as a professional musician and dedicated yoga practitioner help her craft deeply moving sound alchemy sessions. Saraswati shares her energy hosting retreats, sound activations and bodywork treatments in California and also shares her time abroad in Dubai, UAE where she trains with Grandmaster Nir Levi in this unique and transformative style of bodywork and therapy. After many years in depression, anxiety, panic, suffering autoimmune conditions and gut disorders, she now dedicates her life to the healing arts and awakening of others to experience living harmoniously in their body. wholebeingactivation.comInstagram: @sarasholisticupgradesTikTok: @sarasactivationSound Healing Session (starts from 57 minutes)This Sound Activation for the Heart uses Crystal Alchemy bowls that are created with gemstones, minerals, precious metals from the earth that support the heart centre to open. The heart is our centre of magnetism, love, joy, and most importantly presence. When we live from the heart, we can only live in the present moment. To prepare for this Sound Activation, use your headphones and enjoy this track from a place where you can close your eyes and rest your body. Take three deep breaths in through your nose and exhale with a sigh out of your mouth, releasing any held muscles or places of tightness in your body with each exhale. While it isn't necessary to close your eyes and lay down, perhaps if you're driving or travelling somewhere, you listen again later when you can go deeper. Listen to the frequencies without judgement of any thoughts that arise, and be open to feeling your heart centre. Focus your breathing on the heart and enjoy the opening that comes. How to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlTikTok:
How to Add More Mindfulness to Your Life with Zen & Go Founder Sophie Bachmann
Nov 21 2022
How to Add More Mindfulness to Your Life with Zen & Go Founder Sophie Bachmann
What is mindfulness? Is there science backing it up? How can you add it to your life? And what are its benefits? In the first episode of season 2, Christina chats to Berlin-based Zen & Go founder Sophie Bachmann about her approach to mindfulness, how she helps teams and leaders to live healthier, more balanced lives and how she made the transition from working in a corporate environment to becoming a full-time mindfulness trainer. You will also hear about the importance of knowing your values and how meditation can aid sleep problems and anxiety.   About Sophie BachmannSophie Bachmann is the founder of Zen & Go, a Mindfulness Consultancy for more calm in daily work life. She offers highly effective and fun Mindfulness Trainings for companies. Her formats help teams to implement sustainable self-care and create a base to do the inner work needed to lead oneself and others. Sophie is a certified Corporate Mindfulness Trainer, Yoga & Meditation teacher. She holds a Master Sc. in Business and is currently studying Psychological Medicine. She first discovered the potential of Mindfulness as Global Marketing Manager at Siemens Healthineers, where she started a successful grassroots initiative in the company that grew from 15 to 900 people in only 1.5 years and received CEO & board management attention. In 2019, she started her own business and has been working with more than 40 companies.Website: zen-and-go.deLinkedinInstagram: @zen.and.goMeditate with Sophie on Insight TimerHow to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlTikTok:
Recovering from Addiction, Trauma and PTSD with Therapist Gary Aldridge
May 9 2022
Recovering from Addiction, Trauma and PTSD with Therapist Gary Aldridge
Are you struggling with addiction? Do you know someone who is? In this episode of Barely Naked, Christina sits down with therapist Gary Aldridge to discuss how to deal with addiction and how to cope as a family member of someone suffering from a substance use disorder. He draws from his own experiences and also shares approaches to healing trauma and how to recognize and deal with PTSD. Trigger Warning: This episode covers mature topics including drug and alcohol addiction, abuse, trauma, and PTSD. About Gary Gary Aldridge is a qualified therapist who has been working in the field of addiction for a decade. He has a lived experience of drug addiction and has been in recovery since 2010.His passion is working with people who have been affected by addiction and trauma, to ensure they are able to live their full potential. Gary is committed to working with a trauma-focused approach, to ensure that the best and fasted treatment is provided to all his clients.How to get in touch with  Gary: Website: mentioned: to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlHow to get in touch with Christina:Instagram: @christina_simoneLinkedIn: Christina BeischlTikTok: