Lincoln St Woodworks | Jon Cesaro | Ep 38

What Knot Podcast

Jun 15 2022 • 1 hr 8 mins

Jon Cesaro says his interest in woodworking started the way most people find themselves starting a new hobby.

“You buy a house, and you’re like, ‘Oh, I could build that cheaper.’ Then you go out and buy a saw. The next thing you know, you have a wood shop.”

Cesaro, who works for an apparel company and found himself furloughed during the pandemic. While raising his two toddlers with his wife Jess, he never envisioned for his hobby going full-time. He built furniture for his own house, maybe a few pieces for friends and family.

“I learned the majority of my woodworking from YouTube, whether that’s how to do basic woodworking, tool information, and so on,” he said. “I saw people doing woodworking and thought, ‘I could do that.’ Eventually, I looked at the YouTube videos themselves and thought, ‘Why not try that, too?” and Whatknot enjoy!