You Just Might Have to Shift Your Relationships If You Want to Shift Into Growth!

The ShiftZone

Apr 18 2022 • 13 mins

Quick Question. Have you ever felt like you were shifting into growth, and your relationships were not shifting with you?

I am not a therapist and I don't pretend to be, but I have lived life.  One valuable life lesson I've learned is that when you grow and evolve, there are some relationships that don't grow with you. This can be very difficult, but it's the truth. You can't expect friendships, relationships, or business partnerships to last forever.  Although there are some that will last a lifetime, there are many that won't last a season. Sometimes severing ties and placing distance is unavoidable.  It's a part of life AND its ongoing.  You may get to the point where you are just not on the same page as the people you have in your life. Then, you have to change the relationship to move forward.  The process doesn't have to be contentious, but this difficult decision may be the best change to step into your zone of success.

Jim Rohn once said "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, including yourself." Who are you spending your time with? Are they adding to you or subtracting from you? Do you need to make a shift in your relationships to move to the next level in your life?

These are the questions you must ask yourself, and only you can answer them.  In this episode I discuss shifting your relationships to shift into growth. It's a conversation we must have with ourselves. Let's talk about it.

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