The Stellar Blade Controversy: What It Is and Why It Really Isn't Controversial

The Epileptic Gamer

Apr 28 2024 • 16 mins

Welcome to this episode to The Epileptic Gamer Podcast! Let’s delve deeper into the sizzling controversies surrounding the recently released video game Stellar Blade:

  1. Eve’s Design: The game faced intense scrutiny for its female playable character, Eve. Her design ignited heated debates—some argue she’s oversexualized, while others hail her as a traditional icon in an age of woke media. Eve has become a lightning rod, labeled by some as an “anti-woke symbol” in a landscape where new media often grapples with societal norms1122.
  2. Graffiti Scandal: Within the game, graffiti unintentionally included an offensive phrase, leaving the term “Hard R” spray-painted on Japanese walls. This phrase is often associated with a racial slur, and Sony swiftly promised a Day One patch to rectify it11.
  3. Platform Disappointment: Initially advertised as a multi-platform release (Project Eve) for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, Stellar Blade took an unexpected turn. Sony acquired it, transforming it into a “PlayStation 5 Console Exclusive.” Xbox and PC players, excited by the original reveal, were left disappointed, with no sign of a cross-platform release in sight1133.

Join us on the podcast as we dissect these controversies and explore the universe of Stellar Blade! 🎮🎙️

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