How To Engage With Mary-Beth Hosking, Global CIO for PointsBet

How To Engage With Senior Leaders by meetmagic

Jul 18 2022 • 53 mins

Mary-Beth Hosking is a pragmatic and seasoned technology leader with extensive experience in organisational transformations and is currently the Global CIO for PointsBet. Mary-Beth published her first book, “In One Piece – A Step-by-Step Guide to Surviving Change”, at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic to assist leaders grappling with the changes Covid19 has brought to the corporate landscape. In this episode, Mary-Beth speaks about significant transformations in the workplace. With over 17 years of experience leading restructures in multinational organisations, including BP, Toll Holdings and Specsavers, Mary-Beth offers insights into how to engage with executives like herself.

For more information about Mary-Beth, please visit her LinkedIn profile: