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In this episode, we explore the world of oysters. What are they? What do they do? What happens when they die? Eastern oysters play a critical role in Florida’s estuarine habitats, supporting hundreds of species big and small. Learn all about oysters and how you can support them in this episode.
Learn More:
• Eastern Oyster -
• Eastern Oyster Biology -
• Oyster Reef Habitat -
How You Can Help:
• Consider installing a vertical oyster garden off your dock, or paint one to hang as décor in your home as a talking point for family and friends. Reach out to your local Florida Sea Grant Agent to find out if you have VOG efforts in your county.
• Keep eating oysters! By consuming oysters, you are supporting the oyster industry and the restoration efforts throughout Florida utilizing recycling oyster shell for living shoreline projects and more!
Sources for this Episode:
• TBEP Oyster Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) -
• Historical ecology with real numbers: past and present extent and biomass of an imperiled estuarine habitat - •What is a bivalve mollusk?
• Oyster Shell Recycling Pilot Program -
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