#20: Timing is Everything: Why Good Advice Alone is Not Enough for Business Success with Wayne Mullins

The Self-Employed Success Podcast

May 16 2023 • 25 mins

In today's world, entrepreneurs are bombarded with advice from all directions. From podcasts and YouTube channels to business books and seminars, there is no shortage of guidance for those seeking to create their own success. However, as Wayne, a highly successful entrepreneur and marketing consultant, explains in this podcast episode, simply copying the strategies of others can lead to disappointment if not executed correctly and at the right time. Instead, Wayne shares his insights on the importance of timing and staying true to your own entrepreneurial path for ultimate success.

The Importance of Timing

One of the key takeaways from Wayne's story is the impact of timing on the entrepreneurial journey. He explains that good advice applied at the wrong time can actually be bad advice, and that understanding the right moment to implement a strategy is crucial for success.

Wayne's own journey began with leaving a corporate sales job to start a lawn and landscape company, which he grew into one of the largest in his region. However, this growth was not without its challenges and setbacks. Wayne attributes much of his success to being mindful of the timing of when he applied advice from other successful entrepreneurs and tailoring it to his own unique situation.

Authenticity in Business

Another key component of entrepreneurial success, according to Wayne, is staying true to yourself and your goals. This means resisting the temptation to simply copy the strategies of others who may be further along in their journey. Instead, focus on understanding your clients' pain points, frustrations, desires, and goals, and create a plan that aligns with your values and strengths.

One tool that Wayne recommends for this process is the "Magic Journal Exercise." This exercise involves imagining your ideal client's daily journal entry, complete with their emotional state, pain points, and desires. By understanding your clients on a deeper level, you can create more authentic and effective marketing strategies that truly resonate with them.

Distinguishing Assets from Actions

A common pitfall for many entrepreneurs is the "shiny object syndrome," or the tendency to jump from one idea to another without fully investing in any of them. Wayne suggests that one way to combat this is by distinguishing assets from actions. Instead of simply copying the actions of others, focus on building similar assets that align with your strengths and abilities.

For example, if a successful entrepreneur is using video marketing to build a loyal following, consider whether your own strengths lie in video, writing, or graphic design. By focusing on building the same type of asset in a way that aligns with your skills, you can avoid the trap of simply copying actions without understanding the true value behind them.

The key to unlocking entrepreneurial success lies in mastering the art of timing and authenticity. By being mindful of when to apply advice, staying true to your own path, and focusing on building assets that align with your strengths, you can create a thriving business that stands out from the competition.

For more insights and wisdom from Wayne, check out his marketing agency, Ugly Mug Marketing, or his book, Full Circle Marketing. And remember, the journey to entrepreneurial success is not a linear path – but with the right approach and mindset, you can achieve your goals and create the life and business you've always dreamed of.

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