E15 // From Point to Prioritizing: Beginning to break is all down! (Part 2 of 4 part series)

THE GRITTY COACH - Accountability Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Apr 25 2022 • 28 mins

Hey Gritty Friend!

If you have been struggling to meet your goal or to get it started, then this series is for you.  I mean at some point we all have had a goal that we didn't reach.

Did you see what you could have done differently?

Did you implement that so the next goal won't hit the same snag? I mean let's be honest, gut check, did you learn from the last one so you have one less obstacle in place?  For example, you didn't meet last month's sales goal.  So what did you learn? What seem to hold you back? What could you have done different?  Did you implement that in April to improve your sales goal?

Maybe not.  And that's ok.  Remember this is a judgement free zone.  What I want you to see is that we need to take that goal and do some planning.  Last week we covered the basics of creating a very specific goal.  The What, Why, When questions...This week is beginning the HOW.  Let's dive in, shall we?


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